4.3 - Paradise becomes a Prison

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"If you don't mind me asking again, why is it that you can't go home?"
"I can understand your fear through what you went through. But the only way you're going to overcome those fears, is if you take that jump of faith. How else will you spread your wings and fly?"
"Then I beg of you!" Please help Scarabia through this turmoil!"
"Ugh! I thought I told you we agreed not to help them!! Do you like sticking your nose in other peoples business?!"

'Hm? Where am I?' I looked around me.

Nothing but white floating space.

Huh? What? I don't....understand..... usually when I'm in the dreamworld, The space is always black as night. But now it's as white as snow....

I heard laughter behind me. And I turned around. There stood the others.

"Guys!" I smiled and ran for them. I reached out, but before I could reach, Riddle disappeared into dust.

I recoiled back in surprise. "What...?"

Then one by one, each of them had followed with him. Disappearing into thin air: Cater, Jack, Floyd, Jade, Deuce.....

"No...no! No no! Please! Come back!" I shout, but like if my words are whispered on the wind, they keep disappearing matter where I go.

"No! Azul! Ruggie! Trey! Leona! Where'd you all go?!" They all disappeared one by one. But then I turn and see-

"Ace! What's going on?!" I lunge for him, but he was gone.

I stopped. "Please....I don't want to be alone...!" I shook. What the hell is happening?!

"Charlotte!" "Charlie!"

I froze. I turn slowly behind me....and I saw.....I couldn't believe it.

"Mom...? Dad?!"

"Charlie!" They called me, arms outstretched.

I felt my heartbeat increased. A relieved smile etched my lips as I ran for them.

But it seems like this nightmare had a mind of its own...

Suddenly, A dark monstrous shadow emerged from the ground, The white morphing into the blackest black. It's piercing eyes looked down at me as it laughed maniacally. It stood in the way me and my parents, gloating in all of its wake.

I lurched back, feeling my fear spike. "No! NO!!! PLEASE NO!!!" I screamed as I looked behind it and saw my parents disappearing into the void.

Without thinking, I ran around the monster and towards my parent's disappearing figures, but a dark shadowy tentacle grabbed my ankle.

I desperately tried to tug my leg free, but the tentacle only wound tighter against me. Another shot out of the void and grabbed my wrist. Then two more grabbed my other arm and leg. I frantically try to wrench free from their grasp, my eyes focused on my parents, but the more I struggled, The more I felt a mass of tentacles wrapping themselves around my body like a clump of snakes, forcing me to the ground.

I felt them crawling up until they started winding around my torso and my neck, suffocating me. I felt them starting to slither up my face. My strength was growing weaker and weaker.... very soon, I didn't have enough strength to fight back.

"No....please...." I breathed faintly, feeling tears slipping out of my eyes while the darkness swallowed me.
"You're never alone, Charlotte."

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now