Prologue - First Day Shenanigans

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"Excellent. Then, you two, starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the handymen of Night Raven College!"
"Beware the monsters...Protect your friends....and above all, be strong...."
"Wait! What do you mean? What do you mean unleash the light?! Per Favore aspetta! I don't understand!"
I sat up in bed, and felt like I was dripping in sweat. My eyes were full of concern and fear.

What...was that just now?!

" 'Unleash the light'? What does that even mean?" I brush a hand through my hair.

Looking out the window, the sun was about halfway up.

"Time to get started." I shrug and flung myself out of bed.
Despite the creaks of the floorboards, I got ready in under ten minutes. Thankfully, my bag was left untouched where I left it (by the curtain of the window), and I grabbed what I needed for the trip. My clothes changed back into my usual attire, and I ran a brush through my hair.

"Heeheehee....Don't you have to be up to clean the school?" I heard one of the ghosts say. I peek back in my room and see the three ghosts hovering by my bed, Grim still dozing.

Grim just tossed in his sleep, muttering, "...five more minutes..."

"Laze around for too long and you might not wake up again~!"

"Just like us~heeheehee!"

Grim jumped as soon as his eyes opened. "Fgyaa! It's them again! Oi, get u- huh?! Where'd you go?!" He searched around the room, looking for a sign of life. He looked close to roasting the three again.

Oh crap. This isn't good.

Quickly thinking, I ran just in time to see him conjure a fireball. I swan dove straight ahead and managed to grab him before he could fire a spell. I caged my arms around him, carefully calming him down as I got to my feet.

"Are you going to keep living here? You're bound to get pranked! Heeheehee!"

"Shoot. We'll get rid of you eventually!" Grim swore. I finished tying up my hair and hid my bag in the same spot. I had just left the room when Crowley landed on the last step.

"Good morning, you two! Have you slept well?"

"I was sprawled out then I fell on the floor!" Grim whined. "Just how ramshackle did you let this place get? And those ghosts spooked me up! Ugh, the worst!"

"Please forgive the loudmouth, sir. It was manageable." I answered.

"Even though you just got tossed over from another world, you can still be truthful. Wonderful!" Crowley smiled. I didn't know whether to feel offended or-

Ooh! Breakfast!

"I came to speak to you about your work for today." He waved for me to follow him and I obey.
We had gotten to the first floor lounge.

"Today, you're to clean the campus. But it's quite big. Cleaning every inch of it with no magic is nearly impossible." No, ya don't say?!

"So, I'd like you to clean Main Street from the main gate to the library. Understood?" Okay, shouldn't be too hard to handle. I nodded firmly.

"Please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday." He instructed as well.

"I won't let you down sir!" I confirmed.

"I'm counting on you. You've permission to eat in the school cafeteria. Take care of your work with enthusiasm!" And with that, he left.

"Tch! No way am I doing any cleaning." Grim scoffed. "Yours Truly would rather go to class and watch the bang! Boom! And cast so many spells!"

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin