4.7 (final) - A New Beginning

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I woke up to be greeted by sunlight filtered through the room, my wounds scabbing over, and the Grimoire floating in front of me, flipping to the same page, but with different writing.

"The second artifact, Apolla's Opal, Due to your actions, has responded and now belongs to you. Your next test will be given as the New Year approaches. Stay strong."

"Wow. Number two is achieved." I smiled faintly, watching the book move back into my bag.
I had gotten dressed in shorts and the red top outfit from yesterday, the clothes cleaned of any dirt. But decided to throw my hair up back in a ponytail. Tying on the bandana was difficult due to my arms being stiff from the wraps. I bandaged the wounds with fresh gauze and healing ointment, courtesy of the ghost nurse in the infirmary, before I left my room. But for some reason, I felt like my stamina had been restored overnight, as if yesterday's melee never happened.

But it did....

I couldn't help but let my thoughts rest on Xedok. Who was he exactly? How long has he known Ophelia? What kind of power does he hold?

As if my thoughts were read, I heard Ophelia.

'I know you have many questions, my dear Charlotte. And I promise you, you will know them in due time. But now it seems that my worst fears have been confirmed....The Dark Lord, Acheron, is somewhere in this world, and he's alive, aiming to achieve life once again...'

"The one from the story?"

'Yes. The same Dark Lord who killed the Seers way before you were born. I can't believe it....'

"But...How is he alive?! You said the three survivors killed him!"

'That's what I'm confused about too...there's so many questions and such few answers....and now that Xedok knows you're here, and holding the power....your life could be in danger...'


'Acheron will send his spies on you to gather everything there is about you...so that he can trap you, and take what's his.'

"But I thought you said my powers can't be stolen unless someone holds the same blood like me. And that feeling....when I nearly lost control....what was that?" But before she could say anything, I saw Jamil walking towards me.

'We'll talk Later. Now, there's something that needs to be handled.' Ophelia whispered as she vanished.

He stopped a few steps away from me, hands in his pockets. He didn't look me in the eye. I could tell he had a bit of nervousness running in his mind.



More awkward silence. Then-

"Listen, I....I-I never meant to hurt you. Honestly. Whatever Xedok did to me....it's like I wasn't in control...." Jamil ran a hand through his hair. "I-It was stupid of me to make that deal with him.....I know I won't be forgiven that easily, not after what I nearly did to you....and...."

"No." I spoke up. "I understand. You were at your wits end, and you wanted Kalim gone. You were desperate for anything, and he fed off your fears and desires, which led to yesterday....but it's okay to feel fear. You're human, and we can't change it. But now that you and him are starting to turn things around, for better or worse, it's still a new start for you two. And you don't have anything to fear."

Jamil was silent as he looked at me.

"And yes....I can't forgive you that easily. Not after using me....and nearly stealing my powers....but.....I'm willing to give you a chance." I cupped his cheek. He stood stiffly at the sudden contact, but made no effort to move away. "You're a changed person, you're aiming for greater things than just mediocre, and you're giving it 100%.
That in itself means dedication, and dedication starts somewhere." I smiled lightly.

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora