Blooper Reel (2K special)

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Holy fuckin shit. I can't believe it happened: The 2K vote milestone! You guys rock! So, to celebrate: another special! Thought I'd do something similar Like all those blooper reels in movies. If TW was directed as a movie/anime series. Enjoy!

-Before the Magift preliminary-

Cameraman: "speed, marker."

Director: "And action!"

Deuce: "Charlie?"

Charlie: *screams, and aims to backhand him in the chest but ends up hitting him in the face. Deuce grunts as he's hit.*

*gasps* Oh my god! Did I break his nose?! Is he bleeding?!

Director: cut! Someone get the medic! *people start shouting and moving for first aid.*

Ace: *silently dying on the side as Deuce suffers*

Charlie: oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! He's gushing blood. He's gushing blood! *gets tissues from her pocket and holds them to his nose.* Deuce, put this to your nose, less blood that way!

Deuce: ow, ow, ow. Someone get me an ice pack, please!


-interrogation scene ch.2-

Director: "action!"

*the group starts running from Floyd and Jade in Main Street*

*Ace trips and falls, eating asphalt*

Deuce: oh geez! *the others slow down to survey the damage*

Charlie: is he okay?

*Ace moans in pain*

Riddle: ...he's fine.


-Tart Baking from Ch. 1-

Cameraman: *claps clapperboard*

Trey: "Now we'll need to mix butter and sugar in the chestnut paste and add oyster sauce as the secret-"

Cater: *walks in at the wrong cue, boba and cellphone in hand* "Hey everyone-oh my bad! I came in at the wrong time, sorry!" *walks back out backwards while Laughing it off*


-Ch. 3 fight setup-

Charlie: *hung up with wires and a harness, looking like she's fighting in midair, behind her is a green screen* Does this look cool? Doesn't feel cool, but if it looks cool, that's all that matters!" *winks with a thumbs up*


-After Magift in the infirmary-

Cameraman: *clapperboard*

Charlie: You Pervert!!! *throws the tissue box at Leona's head but hits him in the crotch instead*

Leona: *trying not to scream in pain as he covers his crotch in pain falling off the bed*

Charlie: 😨

Ace and Ruggie: *dying of laughter*

Jack and Deuce: *looking concerned*


-Prologue fight scene-

Cameraman: *clapperboard*

Deuce: "Come forth, cauldron!"

Director: and cue Cauldron!

*the cauldron lands on the animatronic ink monster from the mines. The wires snap and the cauldron goes rolling towards the three and the cameraman, who start screaming and running for it, as static fills the screen*

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