6.11 - War of the Underworld

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When we last left our hapless heroes, the students made it their mission to conquer the mighty Tower of STYX to reach the Underworld and stop the Shroud brothers from unleashing total insanity. Newly aided by Charlotte's comrades of FORCE, they have faced numerous struggles, overcoming personal issues and battling monsters of the unthinkable kind....But none were as terrifying as the Titans themselves; S-Class entities that have existed before time itself became prominent. Yet through the power of the Thunderstorm Spears, these creatures fell one by one. Now they have reached the final stage, where beyond the misty veil lies the last enemy...burning with drive, both teams prepare to face off as the fate of the world hangs in the balance; dark secrets and shocking twists will be revealed. Who will win and who will fall? Prepare thyself....for the War of the Underworld is about to commence....

"Where are we.....?!" Vil's breath got caught in this throat as a sickly green glow burned, casting shadows along the jagged walls. A misty grey haze filled the room as wails and moans of ghostly agony bounce off the walls.

"We must've made it to the bottom of the tower...." Charlie murmurs, leaning against Fawkes for support. Vil tried not to breathe in the smoky-like fumes burning his nostrils.

"Ugh, the smell...! Has the Underworld Gate been opened already?" He asked. Pinging noises came up as Rook eyes the walkie-talkie.

"Vil!" He warned.

"I know." The blonde nods, picking it up. He holds down the talk button and speaks. "This is Team A, over!"

"Team B's alive and kickin'." Leona responds on the end.

"Team C is alright. Do you copy?" Riddle was the last to speak.

"Thank goodness! You're all Alive! It's the team in the Control Room!" One man spoke at last.

"What is it now?" Vil presses.

"The Underworld Gate is beginning to open, and the density of blot is reaching an abnormal level! It's far too dangerous to stay on the lower levels of the Tartarus! You must evacuate!"

"You're telling us...to just abandon the mission when we've wasted too much time getting down here?!" Vil spoke through gritted teeth.

"We managed to disconnect Ortho's control over the "Chariot" system. It was difficult but we made it somehow. Three of them are heading to your locations. Get on them and get out!"

"Aha. As expected of you 'tech wizards' up in the building." Leona smirked.

"Not sure if you're complimenting us, but alright. Look, in order to stop the phantoms from reaching the surface and keeping the blot flow back a stable level, we're having some of the staff sealing off from the 1st to 6th layers by hand via emergency hatches. Once you leave, and we seal the layers, no one is goin in or coming out. Now Hurry!" As soon as the panelist finished, one such chariot pulled up at the side of the ledge.

"Awesome! We've got it!" Epel smirks.

"Alright, everyone, pile in!" Vil orders. Rook and Epel got in immediately, the former of which turned back and grabbed Charlie's hand, but she shook her head.

"Go on without me....I need to stay with Fawkes." She says. "I'll join you guys soon."

"You best keep those words, Duckling." Vil wants subtly as the flying craft started to hover upwards. And zoomed away. However, a static screech on one end sounded and Riddle's voice sounded.

"What in the world...?!"

"Riddle, what is it?" Vil asked, clutching the device.

"Look down! Something's emerging from the gate!!" He sounded frantic. Vil didn't hesitate to look over the side of the hovercraft and peer down, seeing a giant shadowy figure slowly rising from below.

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now