Babysitter for the day (Short Filler Chapter)

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Get your filler chapters, y'all! They're piping hot and savory!

Summary: Azul and the Leech bros become toddlers and Charlie's looking after them.

Requested by: @Rachelwolf15
A knock resounded at the Ramshackle dorm at 12 pm.

Charlie jolted in her sleep, waking up with her hair rustled up and eyes struggling to stay shut. She groaned as she forced herself out of bed from a small nap.

"Kill me now..." another knock. "Hold your fucking horses!" she snarled as she trudged down the stairs, ready to murder whomever had the gall to show up on her doorstep on a Saturday, when she'd rather be sleeping.

She blindly wrenched open the door, eyes filled with fire.

"What the fuck do you want, you bitch?!"

"Uh, good afternoon Charlie?" The brunette stopped, looking up.

It was Ace and Deuce.

"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry!" she shook slightly, having mistaken them for someone else.

"Are you okay?" Deuce asked her as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"I just thought someone waa tryna play a trick on me late in the day..." she yawned.

"Uh, well, thats the thing..."Ace wandered off. She gave the two boys a confused glance.

"And what do you mean by that?" she narrowed her eyes at them.

"I'd be best if you come and see what's going on...."Deuce ushered.
One word: Chaos.

The entire Dorm of Octavinelle was in a state of Chaos. Students were either screaming their heads off, the smell of ocean breeze obviously pungent in the halls. Several students had either suffered being bitten or inked, or even both, as they quivered in fear.

"Uh, what exactly happened?" Charlie asked, surveying the damage. After getting washed up and dressed for the day, now that her mind was clear of any fogginess, she was in a better state of mind.

"That's the thing. We were heading back to Heartslabyul when we saw several students running out of here, looking like they just saw a demon." Ace explained.

"Ah! Charlotte! There you are!" one student rushed over to the trio, looking clearly disheveled. "We need your help! Azul and the Leeches have disappeared! They were acting weird, and they started....shape shifting! We tried catching them, but they were too fast!"

"Have you checked everywhere?"

"The school, the dorms, even their bedrooms! Nothing!"

"What about the Lounge? It's the only place left."

"We're just about to go over there!" The student ushered them to the building, unlocking the doors. But as soon as they stepped inside, wailing was heard.

"Huh?!' Ace looked confused.

"Wait here!" Charlie spoke and ran through the building, following the wailing all the way to the VIP room, which was unlocked thankfully.

She pushed open the doors to find it empty. Except for three piles of clothes strewn in different parts of the room. And underneath one of them was the source of crying.

She slowly approached it, kneeling down and lifting the grey overcoat. What she saw made her gasp.

A small baby octopus with purple and black skin was wailing sadly, black smudges of tears dripped from his eyes. His eight tentacles wavered agitatedly.

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant