Port Festival: Anchors Away!

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"Aight, so we're meeting at 1pm....oh, looks like I'll get there in time!" Ruggie, casually strolling in to the lounge. He looked up from his hand-written reminder about said meeting.

"Ruggie!" He jumped about 2 feet in the air from the abrupt voice behind him with a yelp, only to calm down seeing it was Jack.

"Jack! How long have you been here?"

"I got here a quarter of an hour earlier. Can't keep my seniors waiting after all." The wolf replied.

"And you had nothing better to do? Time is money....but if it's you, so what you want." Ruggie shrugs

"We'll now that you're here, we can get a move on!"

"Yeah, let's. I'm hungry." The two made their way to the campus courtyard, talking amongst themselves briefly about their homework or anything unusual that occurred (then again, lots of unusual shtick occurs at NRC so what are you gonna do?). Once they got there, to their surprise there was a group already waiting.....of girls, chatting rather animatedly among themselves.

"Wait, it's Charlie and her friends!" Jack didn't even need to squint to see the familiar blue uniform amongst the colored array of uniforms as well.

"Cmon, Licc. Wouldn't it be fun?" Rebecca smiled.

"Singing as a preppy girl group? Yeah, not my thing." The blonde snarks.

"Actually, not all girl groups can be glittery and pink. K-pop groups tend to shift between themes in their music videos: they can go from sweet preppy looks to something more glam and tougher to even modern and sexy." Evelyn corrects.

"See?" Rebecca smirks.

"Okay as fun as it sounds, The last thing I'd want is to be caught dead in a pink miniskirt!" Felicity tried not to gag at the thought. Charlie nor Odette didn't bother jumping into the conversation since the latter wasn't one for giving her opinions and the former was brushing her fingers through Grim's fur as he purred deeply in her lap. Charlie sensed the two Demi-humans and looked up with a smile.

"Hey guys." She waved to them as did Odette as the boys approached. "What'cha doin'?"

"We were going to-"

"Get some lunch!" Ruggie cut off Jack before he could answer. At the sound of the "l" word, Grim's eyes snap open.

"Lunch?? Ooh, let's go!!" The other three stopped their argument and looked up.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"1pm." Rebecca answers Felicity's question.

"Damn! I haven't eaten since 7 this morning! Maybe getting a bite doesn't sound too bad! And it'll give me an excuse to get out of the music group debacle...."

"Sweet! The more the merrier!" Ruggie gave a wide smile. The girls gathered their belongings and walked with the boys down Main Street and to the front gates. Rebecca and Felicity continued their silent argument at the rear of the group while Evelyn took the chance to admire the scenery around her.

"So did they saw where we're going?" Odette whispers to Charlie.

"No. We usually head to the cafeteria, but maybe they made reservations outside campus?" Charlie guessed.

"We'll tell ya when we get their, girls!" Ruggie assured. "Besides, Jack's paying~!"

"Seriously?!" Grim perked up.

"W-Well...." Jack looked away only to get a small jab in the ribs from Ruggie and a warning look. "I-I felt like it'd be a nice thing, since he's my senior and all. But you girls...I guess you can handle yourselves."

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora