5.10 - Delusion of Omnipotence

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I scurried through the halls, adrenaline pumping, until I could sense Vil's presence down one of the halls. I slam to a halt as silently as possible. Flushing my back against the wall, I scooted down far enough as the wall would let me until I was right at the edge. I peered over the edge carefully as to not expose myself to see Vil, his back to me and phone in hand.

"Mira, Mira. Please enlighten me."

"Hai! What would you like to know?"

"Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?"

"The first web result that I obtained using the keywords "beautiful" is....Neige LeBlanche."

Vil fell deadly silent. His breathing turned from normal to strained, forced almost. He inhaled deeply and screamed in a rage-injected voice... "............NEIGE!!!" He threw his phone at the wall with so much vigor, the screen cracked and shattered on impact.

"MNGH!!" I covered my lips with both hands as the scream nearly left my lips from the sudden action. I saw the glass scatter on the ground as he stormed off, leaving his ruined phone where it was. As soon as I was sure he was a good few feet away, I left my spot from behind the wall and walked over to where his phone laid.

"What the fuck has gotten into him?!" I whispered, grasping the skirts of my costume. But then....

I saw....The puddle. It's getting bigger....

"Charlie!" I whipped my head to the side and saw Grim scurry up to me. He tugged at my skirts with his paws and whispered to me, "What's going on with you? You just screamed and fled the area like you saw a ghost! They said Rehearsals are over, so Deuce wanted me to come grab you so we can get a bite! Why are you stalking Vil??"

"....Grim...." I knelt close to him and whispered back as best I could. "He's planning something. I know it! And whatever it is he's got up his sleeve, I HAVE to be there to expose him. Let's roll!" I grab him and haul him close to me and we take off down the hall after Vil as silently as possible.

It was a bit of a long walk, but after a while, the Ramshackle duo finally saw Vil stop right in front of a door.

"Okay, so he's right outside one of the dressing rooms, but who's exactly?" Grim whispered, as they saw Vil lift a hand and knock quite fast on the door.

"Coming~!" someone shouts from inside. The door opens to reveal Neige. "Ah, Vii-kun! What's up?!" Immediately, Vil plastered a fake smile on his face.

"We never spoke much during the rehearsals. So I came here to have a proper talk wit you."

"Oh! Glad I wasn't the only who thought of the same thing!"

"Speaking of, where'd your little friends go...?"

"You mean Dominic and the others? They went to go check out the exhibition booths! They really don't like staying put in one place..."

"So...you're alone, then...?" if it was possible, Vil's smile got even creepier, setting Charlie on edge. Without looking down, she quickly unlocked her phone in hand and got into the camera app, set it to 'video' mode, and pressed the 'record' button, holding the phone close to her and in a clear shot where both Neige and Vil could be seen on screen.

"....I must say, your performance was quite perfect." Vil starts. "Most of the crowd was entranced by your cuteness. You have always been like that."

"So was yours!" Neige compliments. "I may not be able to pull off such a song, but the dance was amazing! I was so fascinated by it! But what caught my eye even more....was...what's her name? Oh! Charlotte!" Vil visibly tensed. "She was by far one of my favorites! Her voice is like a choir of angels when she sang! And her dance...ah, she moved so much like a ballerina and an acrobat! She was beautiful even without the lighting onstage! I even had a chance to speak with her backstage! She's such a humble girl.... I still don't even know why she'd be stuck here when she could be somewhere better....." Neige frowned. "There's so many tough and aggressive men around these parts....she could get hurt! But she did tell me she knew a few defense techniques so, I hope she'll be out scratch-free!"

Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now