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2 years ago

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2 years ago...

"Let's go on space mountain!" Romero said as he points somewhere. We look around trying to figure out what to ride to go on as we're now at Disney Land.

"No!" I protest. "Splash mountain."

"I don't want to get wet." he whines. I roll my eyes at his childish words.

"Space Mountain is ass." I complain.

"Heaven!" Dad scolds, shaking his head in disapproval.

"What?" I say innocently.

"Kids." he mutters while mom is just laughing at this whole situation.

"Okay, okay we'll go on both" she said smiling.


My team sprints towards me lifting me up as they cheer me on. "THATS MY CAPTAIN!" They hype me up. After our tennis competition with Caden's team we ended up winning. Feeling a heated glare towards me, looking up. Caden staring harshly at me.

"How may I help you?"I ask with a cocky smile. Causing both teams to burst out laughing. "Practice is over." I dismissed.

Grabbing my gym bag from the bench nearby. Walking towards the front of the school where my driver is waiting for me.

"Thank you." I said to the driver, stepping out of the car after riding in silence the whole way here.

The whole boys team are going to have to be body deep in mud. I don't even know why Caden challenged me first? I'm obviously better then him, why even compete? Ok now I'm sounding like douche. But come on, it was obvious. He was basically setting himself up for failure.

Walking towards the kitchen as I heat up the stove. I would have Betty, are cook prepare me something but dad has her on vacation. Walking over to the cabinets, I grab a glass cup. Opening the fridge with one hand, the cup slips from my other, making it shatter on the floor. I slightly cringe at the sight hoping mother didn't hear the sound.

"What did you do now brat?" Mom storms into the kitchen, heading directly towards me, pushing me down with force. Landing me straight towards the ground, my head hitting the marble floor causing a groan to escape my lips.

"Get up!" She shouts. Quickly following her orders I stand back on my feet slightly stumbling. She raises her hand, immediately flinching as it makes contact with my cheek, sending a sharp pain to sizzle. "You did that shit on purpose." She accuses.

Mom grabs a hand full of my hair bending me down all the way towards the floor, kneeling down my eyes inches away from the shattered glass.

"When I come back in here this shit better be fuckin cleaned up Heaven." She warns. Pushing my head down one last time, the glass scratching my forehead, I let out a loud hissing sound. Mom let's go of my hair roughly, leaving the kitchen.

Quickly, I toss the shattered glass away into the trash can beside the white counter. Wiping down the smeared blood on shiny floor.

Looking at my reflection standing in front of the mirror in my en suit. Noticing the slight bruise from moms slap, the scratches on my cheek and forehead from the shattered glass. Looking down at my hands that now have scratches from cleaning up the glass.

What is happening? Why did she change? Why isn't he here?

"Hello," Jake answers in slight surprise. Not really wanting to be home anymore deciding if Jake wanted to hang out so why not call him.

"Uh um," I sign. "Do you have any weed?" I ask embarrassingly that I'm even asking him this.

"You smoke?" Since a few months.


"Really? Because I've never seen you light one up." he suspects. After a moment of silence he agrees. "Why not, come on we can wrap one up together."

"Okay than, I'm leaving." I shuffle things around trying to find me keys

"See you here than." he said as I finally find them under one of my magazines. I don't even notice the line has gone silence from him hanging up.

"Come in," Jake smiles when I arrive at his home he opens the door for wider enough for me to walk in. We went up to his bedroom and lighten up the blunt like he told me he was going to do as we aimlessly talked about random shit while getting high as fuck in his bed.

"Is their any meaning in life?" He asks randomly, both of us sitting against his head boards, smoke filled the room.

"Your asking the wrong person." I shake me head, blowing out the smoke from my mouth.

"Life sucks." he rest his head on his bed board.

"I know right." I pass him the blunt. "Out of all the people I could've been in the world, I get stuck being..." I trail off.

"I get it." he shrugged bringing up the blunt to his lips. "We're all supposed to be this perfect child, we fuck up one time and we're the worst child." He blew.

"Exactly."I take the blunt from him taking another long drag. "They want us to be some kind of robot."

"It sucks." he lights up his own cigarette from the night stand. "Life sucks."

"Your cool Jake." I smile lazily. "I fuck with you."

"I fuck with you too Hevs." he smiles. We both were quiet the rest of the night, the silence making the both of accidentally fall asleep.

"See you at school?" Jake looks at me tiredly the next morning when he walks me out.

"I don't know." I shrug. Walking down his driveway and into my car driving away with just those words.

I find myself walking through a park. Small children playing with their parents. Elderly couples, holding hands walking through the park. Photographers taking pictures of the flowers. Middle age woman sipping on there morning coffee.

We all have are different lives. Different stories. Different heartbreak. Different struggles. Different strengths. But that's just life. I sigh. We're all different. And somehow we just have to live with all that.

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