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"Catch me a break!" Alvaro groans, rolling on his side, his iPhone ringing loudly. Before answering he looks at his night clock that's situated on his nightstand. 1:26 am. Who's calling me at this time? He thought as he answers the phone. "Hello." He croaked.

"Hello, this is the Long Beach Police Department is this Alvaro Carter?" The manly voice spoke through the phone.

"This is he..." Alvaro trails off not knowing where this conversation is heading.

"We have your daughter, Heaven Carter here at the station right now." All tiredness Alvaro seemed to have quickly jumped at the window when he finished his sentence.

"And why do you have her there officer?" Alvaro mutters.

"She was caught possessing illegal substances."
No fucking way! Alvaro was pissed. No. That was an understatement, he was raging.

"What kind of substances?" He ask, standing up from his bed, walking towards his walk in closet that is only filled with suits.


"Was she carrying the substance or do you know if she took it?" Alvaro stopped in his tracks just to hear his answer.

"We took a drug test and it came out positive."

"Alright." Alvaro rubs his face in frustration. "I'll be on my way."

Alvaro strolled through the police station, wearing his usual black suit and a poker face expression. The police station was very chaotic at the moment.

Officers running around like a mad man. Detectives, screaming orders left and right. Anxious expressions all over there faces.

"We have a lead!" An officer yells. A detective running toward him at the comment. "Port avenue! They should all be there!"

Swat team running into there trucks, officers and even detectives sprinting into random police cars. Well aren't they lovely. Alvaro thought walking to an officer who was typing on a computer.

"I'm here to see Heaven Carter."

They lead him into a interrogation room. Where his daughter sat, handcuffs wrapped tightly around her wrist.

"Heaven?" He ask firmly. She didn't look up from the floor, her brown hair covering her face. "Heaven?" He repeats. Nothing. Not even a single sign of acknowledgement.

"She's is being kept here for the time being unless someone pays for her two thousand dollar fine." The officer informed from behind him, standing near the door.

"Okay." He said simply. "May I have a private discussion with my daughter?" He ask, looking back at the officer. He nods, walking away. Alvaro walks up to the seat, across from his daughter.

"You thinks you can go out and act reckless?" He scoffs loudly, already having a long lecture for his daughter, that Heaven doesn't even bother caring about. "I have led many things you did slide Heaven." He points to her. "I allow things a parent shouldn't even allow. Like you smoking and drinking." He grits out. "Because I thought your just going through a phase."

A phase? Why does he think that everything that has happened to me is normal? It nowhere near normal actually. And the things that annoys me is that he thinks I'm being dramatic about it too. Heaven rambles in her head.

"And what caused my phases dad?" Heaven finally looks up at her father. The substance still in her system. Even though she can't think right now she knows she's right about this.

"Th-" he snaps back only to be cut off by her.

"I don't care." She deadpanned.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" He raises his voice. "I have done everything for you, so don't walk around like I haven't done anything for you!" He yells. "I let shit slide with you Heaven but this, I'm not letting it go."

Heaven leaned back in her seat, because true to her words. She really didn't give a singly flying fuck. The fact that Alvaro thinks she's going through a phase, drives her to the edge. He had no single clue how it felt to go through what Heaven went through.

"I get you went through shit!" He aggressively animated. "Hell we all went through shit, but you don't see me going around doing illegal fucking shit!" Alvaro was fuming, you can even hear his Italian accent come out.

Whose we? Wasn't he the one who buried himself into his work. While I was buried in clothes trying to hide my cuts and bruises. He faced his clients face in Idaho or wherever the fuck he was out. While I was facing my brothers death as I walk through the halls. She thought.

"You never want to talk to me anymore! I'm just want to be there for my daughter but here you fucking are, fucking around with god knows what kind of drugs you take!" He cursed. It was quiet for awhile and that only ticked Alvaro more. He slammed his hands harshly against the metal table in anger. "Answer me damn it!"

Heaven closed her eyes, not bothering to answer her dad, still feeling the side affects of the drug. She pictured herself dancing on a rooftop, looking down at the busy streets.

"When we get home, your grounded!" He yelled. Heaven slowly opened her eyes at the sound of her fathers voice. Still talking? Heaven huffed internally. "I'm going to lock you in your room for eternity, only coming out when you go to school."

"Oh my gosh." Heaven whispers, annoyed at his loud voice. Both heads look at the door when hearing a loud knock interrupting Alvaros rant.

"Miss Carter." The officer looked at her. "Your bailed has been paid, your free to go." He walks over to her, taking out a key, unlocking the cuffs. Heaven dramatically stands up, lightly rubbing her wrist.

"Who paid for the fucking bail!" Alvaro exclaims loudly. As his daughter walks out of the room.

"I didn't get her name, she was a young lady maybe around your daughters age?" He guessed randomly.

Heaven walks out, looking at a grinning Gretchen Cook. Heaven smiling back when she notices her.

"Let's go!" Gretchen rushes. Both of them leaving the police station.

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