You Are So Pregnant Dude

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Bethany P.O.V

| Skip three weeks |

At around 4am, it hit me again. I threw the blankets off my body and ran to the bathroom. I crouched down and threw up everything I had eaten that day and I didn't understand why. This happened two weeks ago but thought it was nothing. So I ignored it, but now it's happening again. I do have a thought of what's happening, though I don't even want to think about it. I had to find out though, I had to find out.

I took out my phone and texted Witney. We both have gotten extremely close, just like Sadie and I had. Sadie was in Louisiana right now, so she couldn't help me. I wasn't going to start a fight with Brittany, so Witney was my last choice.

To Witney: "Are you up?"

I waited a few minutes until my phone went off.

From Witney: "I am now, what's going on?"

From Bethany: "Can you come over right now?"

From Witney: "Right now, it's 4:30am B?"

Bethany: "Please I'm so scared and it's really important! 🙏"

From Witney: "Fine, I'll be over in 5."

From Bethany: "One more thing."

From Witney: "What?"

From Bethany: "Could you stop by the 24 hour drug store and pick up a pregnancy test?"

From Witney: "WHAT?"

From Bethany: "I'll explain when you get here, please?"

From Witney: "You better!"

I put my phone down on the floor. I threw my hair up in a bun and leaned my head back on the bathroom wall and groaned. This can't be happening, not right now. How could it happen? I mean we haven't done it since the night before he left for New York and-. Crap!
I picked up my phone and checked the calendar. Shit, I'm a week late. This is so not happening right now.

| Line Line Line |

"BETHANY MOTA!!" Witney yelled as she walked into the front door of my apartment.

I threw on a black zip up hoodie and walked into the living room. I saw Witney holding a white plastic bag. She stood in the middle of the room wearing red shorts and a white
T-Shirt that said #DWTS on it. She did not look happy at all.

I crossed my arms as well and leaned on the arm of the couch "Hey Wit, what's up?"

"What's up, are you kidding me right now?" Witney yelled a little.

I sighed and looked at her "I know what you are thinking."

"You told me you two were taking things slow again!" Witney stated as she handed me the bag.

"I know, but it was before he left and Derek can be very persuasive." I explained to her.

"Bethany, just by looking at you I could tell."

I stood up and examined myself "Really?"

Witney sat on the couch "Yep!"

I groaned and looked in the bag "Why did you buy three?"

"Just making sure, one is the one with the lines and another is the one that tells you how long you are and the last one says pregnant, not pregnant." She pointed out each one.

I nodded and went back to my room.

"Have fun." Witney call out.

"Shut up!" I yelled back at her.

| 5 minutes Later |

I came back into the living room and sat down next to Witney.


"I have to wait three minutes." I stated and put my feet on the coffee table.

Witney shook her head "I don't get why they can't tell you instantly, like a thermometer when you take your temperature."

I shrugged "Witney, what am I going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

I laid my head on her shoulder "I can't have a baby at 19 years old, especially now. With my clothing line and traveling all the time. I can't do this by myself."

"You wouldn't be doing this by yourself, you will have Derek." Witney pointed out.

"If he sticks around."

"Look Beth, Derek is going to be 30 years old this year. For awhile he's been saying he wanted to settle down and start having kids."

I looked up at her "Really?"

She smiled "Yes, you're never going to be alone in this. Plus you're going to be 20, their are people now a days getting pregnant at 21-23. You're going to be an amazing mother, if you're pregnant."

I nodded and she continued.

"And if he's not going to be there, then he's an asshole and you're always going to have me, Sadie, Val, Mark and your family." Witney said, trying to cheer me up.

"I can't even imagine what their going to say when they find out. They are going to be do disappointed." I told her.


"And what about my fans, they already think I don't care about them and half of them don't even like Derek. I'm going to get so much hate, I can hear the comments now. You're suppose to be a beauty guru making DIY videos, not a pregnant hoe who does pregnancy update, you slut!" I said with a higher voice, mocking some pre teen girl.

"First of all if your fans were really, what do you call them 'motavators'. If they were true fans, they will stand behind you 100%, support you and help you in anyway they can. As for your family, You said Brittany got married at 21 and had Marin at 22. So I don't think they should have any problem with their 19 year old getting pregnant." Witney explained to me.

I shrugged "I guess."

Witney gave me a sympathetic look "Wanna go check?"

"Will you come with me?" I asked, standing up.

She stood up as well and gave me a hug "Of course."

I smiled and hugged her back. When we pulled away, we both went into the the bathroom. Though I stop when I got to the door.

She walked in and looked at me "What's wrong?"

"I can't look, can you do it?" I begged.

Witney sighed and crossed her arms "Bethany?"

I folded my hands "Please!"

She shook her head and went on to look at the tests. She paused for a few minutes, just looking at them. Which made me more nervous because that could not be a good sign.

She picked one up and slowly turned to me.

"Well?" I asked, shaking like hell.

Witney looked up "You are so pregnant dude!"

What do you guys think, I really enjoy your feedback? :)

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