It's A Surprise

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Derek's P.O.V

"Come on babe, you can do it!" I cheered on Bethany, who was trying to learn how to surf.

"I'm trying, this is hard!" She yelled as she took another try.

She started paddling and stood up very slowly.

"There you go!" I yelled as I smiled and clap.

Seconds later she was hit by a wave. She fell side ways into the ocean with her board following her. I laid down on my stomach and immediately started paddling in the direction she was at. Suddenly she came up and gasped for air. I held out my hand, she grabbed a hold of it and I pulled her onto my board.

"Are you okay?"

She took a few breaths before talking "This is useless."

"I'm sorry this was a bad idea." I told her.

She smiled and gave me a kiss "Don't be sorry it was fun, I just suck at surfing."

I smiled and pulled her in, wrapping my arms around her stomach. She laid back, resting the back of her head on my chest. We just sat their for a couple minutes, not saying anything. Just enjoying being in each other's arm and enjoying this amazing view.

"I know something we can do." She said as she looked up smiling at me.


"It's a surprise, let's go!" She said as she jumped back in the water and began to swim back to shore.

"Bethany, wait up!" I said as I followed behind.

Bethany's P.O.V

I walked back on the to beach and went to our spot. I pick up my dress and put it on. I pick up my bag and waited for Derek.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked, putting on a shirt.

"You'll see, but first we need to go to the store." I told him, giving him a smile.


"Because, let's go." I put out my hand for him to grab it. He gave me a weird look but then smiled and grabbed by hand.

We walked into the near by store that we could find. I looked around and tried to find what I needed.

"Babe, why don't you find us something to drink." I said, finding some excuse to go a different direction.

"You don't want me to stay with you." He asked, looking confused.

"No because what I'm getting has to be a secret, it's a surprise." I said winking at him before walking away.

| Line Line Line |

I was in the small kitchen that was attached to the hotel room, making dinner. I told Derek to turn the other way and not look. The dinner didn't take more than 5 minutes to make so I knew he wouldn't get restless.

"So why exactly are you doing this?" He questioned as he played on his phone.

I shrugged "I thought it would be fun, plus you're always surprising me. I just wanted to surprise you for once.

"Well.....that's a good reason." He said and then looked back on his phone "No way!"

"What?" I asked, turning around and looking at him.

"The producers of DWTS sent us the cast list for season 20." He said, sounding excited.

"But I thought they don't make it public until March?" I asked, getting confuse.

"They tell the world around March, but the pros get to know a head of time." He explained.

I smiled and leaned on the counter top "That's cool, who's you're partner."

He looked down, probably scrolling through the list "Umm I have....Vanessa Hudgens."

"Vanessa Hudgens really?" I asked, sounding relief.

I was glad that he had Vanessa, for many reasons. But mainly one reason specifically and that is that's she has been in a serious relationship with Austin Butler for years. So I was relief that I had nothing to worry about.

"Who does Mark have?"

"He has Mia Mitchell." He read off his phone.

"Oh she's from that show the fosters, isn't she." I asked as I went back to what I was doing.

He shrugged "I guess so, how much longer I'm hungry."

"Calm down, it's done." I told him as I handed him a bowl.

"Roman noodles." He looked at me, confused.

I smiled and then put a bag of Fritos on the coffee table. Then I went over and pressed play on the DVD player.

"Ok, I don't get it."

I smiled and looked at him "I thought it would be fun to share something with you from my child hood."

"And that is?"

"Every summer my best friend and I would always be swimming, day or night we loved to swim. Then when we were done we would come inside and make roman soup and have it with the big Fritos chips. We would go down to her basement, still wearing our bathing suits and we would watch out favorite movie, which was, Raise Your Voice." I explained to him.

He smiled "That's really sweet, I would never think to do something like that."

"So sit back, relax and enjoy." I told him as I cuddled into his side.

He laughed and kissed the top of my head. We spent the rest of the evening watching movies. By the end of the night we fell asleep in each other arms, nothing could get more perfect than this.

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!, sorry if this was short :)

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