We Have A Baby

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Bethany's P.O.V

I winched in pain as I waited for Brittany to pull up to my apartment building. I was outside with all my belongings for me and the baby. I held my phone in my hand and kept looking at Derek's number. I'm putting off calling him right now. There is no rush for him to come to the hospital. I'm going to be in labor for awhile and I won't need him until I'm actually ready to have him.

A car horn honk, I looked up and saw Brittany coming around the corner. She got out and scurried around to me.

"Are you okay? Are you in any pain? Have far along are your contractions?" She held my hands and examined me.

"Britt I'm fine, my contractions are still far apart. I just need to get to the the hospital." I told her as I picked up my bag.

"Let me get that." Brittany grabbed my bag and helped me slowly into her car.

The drive to the hospital was about about 10 to 15 minutes long, but it seemed like a lifetime.

"Have you called Derek yet?"

I shook my head "No."

She looked over at me and then back on the road "Bethany!"

"There is just no need to call him right now." I winched in pain as I felt another contraction come on, which Brittany noticed.

"Breath, in and out. Just breath." She instructed.

I looked up as I felt the car slow down. Brittany had pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the car.

"Britt, you don't need to stop just because I'm having a contraction."

"No were staying in this spot, until you call Derek." Brittany demanded.

I opened my mouth to yell at her but Instead I closed my eyes and just yelled "Ahhhhh.............HOLY SHIT THIS HURTS."

"Now we can go to the hospital where you can get medicine to help with the pain or we can stay here."

I opened one of my eyes "Are you threatening me?"

"He's the father! Doesn't matter if he messed it up between the two of you.
That's between you and him, some other damn time. Right now it's about this baby, that's going to be delivered in this car. So put your differences beside and CALL HIM!" Brittany yelled.

I was taken back by her anger, Brittany has never gotten this mad before. Even though I hate to admit it, she's right. Derek and I fighting has nothing to do with our baby.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number "Fine."

Brittany just sat there and waited "I'm not moving until I know for sure. So put it on speaker!"

I did what I was told and listen to the ring go on and on.


I took a deep breath before answering "Derek it's Bethany."

"Bethany? Look I'm deeply sorry about what happened. I've been calling like crazy trying to get a hold of you..."


He kept going on "I even came over to your house. Which I know you where there by the way and I-"

"DEREK!" I raised my voice at him, I was now very annoyed "I didn't call you about that!"

The tone in his voice changed "Then what did you call me about?"

"My water broke."

"WHAT?!" ARE YOU OKAY?! IS THE BABY OKAY?!" Derek asked.

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