I Love You Bethany

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Derek's P.O.V

Bethany and I were working on our viennese waltz and it was America's choice this week. Though we haven't work thing out, we agreed to put that aside for now. At least she's talking to me and not giving me the silent treatment.

"What were some of the comments of in the video?" I asked one of the producers, who was the room with us.

"A majority said you should do the fault in our stars." He stated.

Bethany walked over and joined us "No, I mean that's a great movie but it doesn't really go with the song."

"The other half suggested two people trying to fix a broken relationship."

Bethany than looked over at me and gave me a fake smile "That should be easy to do."

I watched her walk away and sighed. I looked back at the producer "That would probably be the best one to do."

He nodded and started to jot stuff down. Then the door opened and Mark walked in, with Sadie right behind him. I looked back over and Bethany had just walked out the door.

"So when does the plan start?" Mark asked.

"It will start when she gets here, is she here yet?" I wondered.

Mark pulled out his phone "Julianne said she is with her right now."

"And she has no idea what's going on right?" I asked the two of them.

"Yep, Mark told her that you are still in love with her and she bought it." Sadie told me and looked around. "Where did Bethany go?"

"Out probably, this what I need you to do Sadie. Mark is going to be in here we me when Nina walks in. You are going to be with Beth, Mark is going to text you to bring her back in when the time is right."

Sadie smiled "Got it, good luck Der."
She said and gave me a quick hug, before going off and finding Bethany.

"Are you sure this is the last we'll see of Nina after this?" Mark asked as he took his position.

"Well for you it will, but since she is one of Jules best friend she will always be part of my life."

He nodded and understood where I was coming from. I stood in the middle of the dance floor getting nervous by the minute. I'm hoping this plan goes well, if it doesn't Julianne is going to get a ear full. I just have to - "Derek?"

I turned and saw Nina standing in the doorway. I took a deep breath, here we go.

"Nina, what are you doing here?" I pretended to act confused.

"Well Mark called and told me the truth of why you acted the way you did." She explained, walking towards me.

"Because you're a complete psycho!" I said, taking a step back. "And why would Mark do something like that?"

"Because Derek, he knows it just as well as you know it. You're still in love with me." She took both of my hands and smile.

I looked over at Mark and gave him the signal, he nodded and took out his phone texting Sadie. I looked back at Nina and pulled my hands out of her grip. "If you think I'm still in love with you Nina, than you are absolutely insane!"

"Derek you are one of the only guys that I've know that has treated me a way a girl should be treat. I don't wanna lose you again." She stated putting her hand on my cheek.

I moved my head, making her take her hand off my face "What about Ian?"

"We dated but that was only for publicity, it was never real." She got closer and I kept backing up until I hit the wall. I heard the door open and saw Bethany and Sadie walk in. I quickly pushed her off of me "Nina. it's just never going to work out!"

"Derek, you can't give up on us yet?" She pleaded and I saw Bethany get mad and try to leave, but Sadie stopped her.

"I'm sorry Nina, we are never going to be together again!" I told her, getting a little worked up.

She looked at me and scoffed "Why not?"


"You what?" I heard Bethany say, looking a little caught off guard.

I nodded my head "YEAH, I LOVE BETHANY, I LOVE HER!!" I told Nina.

I left Nina, who had a shocked look on her face and started to walk over to Bethany. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to me, not caring if she wanted to or not "I love you Bethany and only you. I truly mean that, I've never loved someone the way I love you."

She smiled, having tears slipped down her face "I love you too Derek."

I smiled and leaned down, giving her a very powerful, passionate kiss. When she pulled away, I kissed her forehead and pulled her in for a hug. I looked up at Nina "I'm sorry."

"I understand." She stated, before walking out of the room.

I smiled and looked down at Bethany who had a big smile on her face. "I'm sorry about what happen before, I over reacted."

"No Im sorry. I should have told you about her and not try to hide anything. That's in the past now, all I care about right now is you." I told here, before I leaned down and gave her another kiss.

Review? :) Sorry for any mistakes.
And yes, i might have used a f.r.i.e.n.d.s reference in this :/ :)


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