I Let You Down

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Derek's P.O.V

It was the first night of the two part season finale of Dancing With The Stars. Bethany and i had to redo our jive & we were up first. Which is not a good thing. Usually couples who are up first are eliminated that night. But I didn't tell Bethany that, I didn't want her to worry. I wanted to have her enjoy the time we had left on this amazing journey.

| Skip an hour |

The jive didn't go according to plan, and I will say I was a little devastated. The crew didn't move the props on time, so our timing was off. There was also wire on the floor which either one of us could have slipped very easily. It freaked Bethany out so much that she messed up a little bit during our routine. After we were done with our interview we went to the back room, Bethany immediately broke down.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her.

"I messed up on the freaking routine, I let you down." She cried, putting her head in her hands.

I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the head "You didn't ruin the performance, the crew did. Even if our dance was a little off you still did great, everyone saw how much you have improved."

She leaned her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist "I just don't want to disappoint you anymore."

"B, you are not disappointing me if anything you're making me more proud." I let go and stood up facing her "Everything that has happen tonight is over and done with. It's in the past, there is nothing we can do but more foreword!"

"But what if I mess up again?" Se replied still having tears in her eyes.

"Then you take what you're feeling right now and use that for our freestyle." I explained, trying to make her somewhat feel better.


I interrupted her "No more buts, are you with me?" I asked as I held my hand out.

She nodded and grabbed my as I pulled her up "Im with you, I love you Derek."

"I love you too Bethany." I smiled and leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"Woah, what is going on in here?"

We both turned instantly and saw Val & Witney standing behind us. Both had a look of shock and confusion written on their faces. I looked over at Bethany who was speechless.


"Are you two dating?" Witney questioned, folding her arms.

"What would you say if we told you yes?" I asked, nervous of what they might say.

"Well, I would say finally!" Witney exclaimed, giving us a big smile.

Bethany finally spoke up "Huh?"

"And I would say I'm glad that Janel and I aren't the only ones who found love on the show." Val joined in.

"You guys knew?"

"Well it was pretty obvious, you guys acted all lovey dovey all the time even if you guys didn't say anything." Witney explained "I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks guy." I said and turned to Bethany "Lets go get ready for our freestyle."

| At the end of the night |

"Tonight the couple leaving is...... Bethany & Derek." Tom announced, I turned and gave Bethany a tight hug before going down and talking to Tom.

"How do you feel this competition went?"

Bethany smiled "This for me was just an amazing journey, I did this because it absolutely terrified me and I thought I would never get a chance to do something this big. It has just been incredible, especially having this guy by my side the whole time."

I smiled and held her tightly, giving her a kiss on the head.

"What about you Derek?"

"We'll this was kind of expected, but more than anything I'm just so proud of her, she's truly an amazing beautiful person who is a strong role model for her fans. I mean she's THE QUEEN!!" I told her as everyone laughed and clapped. The rest of the contestants came down and gave us all hugs.

As we walked back to our trailer, I notice Bethany being quiet "Are you okay babe?"

"I'm just in shock, that's all. I'm sorry I let you down." She told me, as the grip on my hand got tighter.

"You didn't let me down, will you stop saying that. Even though their was a mishap on the jive, you killed that freestyle and you have the scores to prove it." I told her and continued "Honestly I'm proud the we got 4th, it's better than getting 2nd or 3rd."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone knew Alfonso was going to win, that's why he was always bragging. Getting 4th is so much better because now we don't have to learn another dance in just one night."

She smiled, leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss. I smiled and pulled away leaning my forward against her.

"Thank you for always believing in me me."

"You're welcome darling." I smiled and gave her another gentle kiss.

Review? Sorry for any mistakes :)

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