Shake It Off

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Derek's P.O.V

It was the first show and everyone was up on the first balcony looking nervous and excited. I looked over at Bethany who was talking to Mark's partner, Sadie. She was dressed up in a pink sparkling sweater and a colorful skirt. We had the jive tonight and we were dancing last to Taylor Swift new single 'Shake It Off." Bethany thought the outfit should he fun and colorful to go along with the song. She looked absolutely beautiful. Though I could tell she was extremely nervous, but I reassured her that she would be amazing. As Tom announced the first couple onto the floor I walked over to Bethany and gave her a hug from behind.

"Hey." She said and place her hands on my arms.

"You ready?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, but can we go over a couple of steps?"

"Sure we can." I said and grabbed her hands and walked over to an empty spot.

| Skip to their performance|

Tom: "Next up Internet sensation Bethany Mota and her partner 5 time champ, Derek Hough!"

| Video up above.|

We ended up getting all eights, which wasn't bad especially since it was her first time dancing.

After the show I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a hug while kissing her on the cheek " That was amazing! How do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm going to pass out, but that was the most incredible feeling." She said with excitement as she gave me a hug.

"You better get used to it!"

"I can't imagine what it's going to feel like if we get all 10's!" She exclaimed getting a little wild up.

"Woah, calm down little kitty, we are taking this one step at a time." I told her, giving her one last kiss on the cheek before I walked off to talk to Mark.

Bethany's P.O.V

As he walked away i put my hand on my cheek, my cheeks turned bright red. I was blushing, but right now I absolutely did not care.

"Oh la la." Sadie walked over and joked.

"Stop, there is nothing going on." It was the truth, I didn't like it but it was the truth.

Sadie gave me a look "Come on B, there is no point in hiding it, you like Derek." I sighed I really couldn't, I couldn't deny that my feelings for Derek has grown over the past weeks.

"You're right, but nothing is ever going to happen."

"Why not?" Sadie questioned, looking at Derek and back over at me.

"He 29, he probably just looks at me like I'm some little kid." I explained to her, leaning back on the bar and looking over at Derek, who looked at me as well and gave me a smile.

"Well you never know, if you don't try." She said lastly, before walking over and joining Derek and Mark.

I sighed and looked at Derek once again. I knew Sadie was right, but I've only know Derek for three weeks, it was too early to get into something with him. And there is the fact that I don't know if he feels the same way.

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