You Were Right

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Bethany's P.O.V

I went to bed that night with a millions of thoughts going through my head. I finally told Derek about Connor, his immediate reaction was that he wanted to beat the crap out of him. I told him that was the past and we just need to focus on us. What happened then shouldn't effect our relationship. Like tonight, I wanted to take kissing to the next level. He didn't and it bugged me, does he still see me as some kind of kid. I mean I'm 19 for god sakes, their are kids younger then me that have done it plenty of times. I pulled my blanket over my head and turned to the side. Then I turned to the other side, I was getting frustrated I couldn't sleep.

I got up and turned on my light. I went to my closet and put on some jean short and a white flowy tank top. I sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair and did some light simple make up. I sprayed some perform on, grabbed my keys and walked out of the house.

| Skip about 10 minutes |

I pulled up to Derek's house, the lights were still on so the must mean Derek or Mark was still up. I walked up to the door and looked inside and saw Derek and Mark watching tv. I quietly opened the door, using the key that Derek gave me. I closed the door and made my way up stairs and headed to Derek's room. When I got there, I sat on his bed and pulled out my phone. I texted Derek and waited for his reply.

Derek's P.O.V

It was late at night, I was sitting on the couch and Mark was sitting on the chair watching some Christmas movie that was already on. By the end of the movie I almost fell asleep until my phone went off. I opened it and saw a text from Bethany.

From Bethany: "Hey, are you up?"

From Derek: "Yeah why, what's wrong?"

From Bethany: "Nothing, I just really want to see you."

From Derek: "Do you want me to come over?"

From Bethany: "No, just come up stairs."

I looked at the text and got very confused. I looked over at the front door and saw it was still closed. Which made me confused even more. I looked at Mark who was already fast asleep. I quietly got up and made my way up to my room. As I opened the door I saw Bethany sitting on my bed smiling.

Bethany's P.O.V

I was anxiously was waiting for Derek to come up since he didn't answered my last text. I heard foot steps coming down the hall and I instantly sat up properly and put on a sexy smile.

"Bethany?" He asked, looking very surprised.

I bit my lip "Hey sexy."

He walked over to his bed "What are you doing here?"

I got up as well "Derek, what happened today really bugged me."

"What the whole Connor thing or me trying to come up with a routine?" He asked.

I shook my head "No Derek, it's the fact that you denied me."

"Oh that."

"Yeah that, I mean when it Halloween you wanted to, why not now? Especially since you found out it wasn't my first time." I questioned him, getting mad.

"Well....I kinda wanted to be your first time." He confessed sitting on the bed.

"Derek you still can be, you can be the first person that I will actually enjoy it, without me crying and screaming."

He looked at me with a little doubt but stood up "Are you sure you want to?"


He took off his shirt, revealing his beautiful body "Ok." He said before leaning down giving me one of the most powerful passionate kiss that I've ever gotten before.

| Insert Rater R scene |

| Next Morning |

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing, I grabbed it and saw that I had a text from Sadie asking if I wanted to have lunch. I replied yes and laid my phone back on Derek's nightstand. I rolled over and faced Derek, who was still fast asleep. He looked like a freaking angel. Especially the way he was last night, he was everything I could ever dream of. He was aggressive, yet very gentle. I smiled as I leaned over and kissed him on the check, before grabbing my jean shorts and one of his flannels and headed downstairs.

As I reached the bottom I see Mark sitting at the island reading the paper. "Morning Mark."

"What are you doing here?" He questioned as he gave me a smile.

"Slept over last night, you were already passed out when I came." I explained to him "Want some pancakes?"

"Sure, where's Derek?"

I opened the cabnet and grabbed the pancake mix "He's still sleeping."

"Still, he usually doesn't sleep this late." He stated as he got up and grabbed the orange juice.

I started the stove and looked over at Mark "Lets just say, I think he tired himself out last night."

"Why there was no rehearsal yesterday?" He paused for a second and looked at me "Ew, gross didn't need to think about that."

I laughed "Well you're the one asking all the questions."

"Well that explains the noises I kept hearing last night, I thought it was animals on the tv or something." Mark told me.

I gave him a mean look, being a little offended "You need to think before you speak Mark."

He smiled and laughed, then his phone started to go off. He answered it and walked into the other room. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I instantly smiled and leaned my head back.

"Morning beautiful." He said softly as he kissed my neck.

I softly giggled "Morning to you too, I'm making some pancakes wants some?"

"Sure." He was quiet for a moment but then he started talking "Im sorry about last night, you were right."

"I love hearing those words." I joked.

"I shouldn't base everything off your past, I'm sorry."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. I pulled away and smiled "You're forgiven." He smiled and leaned down for another kiss.

"I heard your foreplay last night, I don't need to see it." I heard Mark say, I guess his phone call ended. I felt Derek grabbed something from behind me and throw it at Mark.


Review? :) | Sorry for any mistakes |

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