Scavenger Hunt

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Derek's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing like crazy. I groaned and reached over and answered it.

"Hello." I mumbled.

"Good morning Mr. Hough, this is your 8:00 am wake up call!" The woman on the other ended told me.

"Ok, thank you." I last said, before hanging up the phone.

I turned around and saw Bethany still fast asleep. I quietly slipped out of bed and headed towards the shower. I took a quick shower, making sure that I didn't wake Bethany up while I was in there. I got out, dried my hair and threw on a plain grey v neck and some black swimming trunks. I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my phone, that was on the side table. I leaned over and kissed Bethany on the head and put a note on the side that I was sleeping on. I took one last look before quietly sneaking out.

Bethany's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and saw that Derek wasn't on the other side of the bed. I sat up a little and looked around the room.

"Derek?" I called out, I waited a few seconds but no one answered. I saw a note that was on the bed, I reached over and started to ready it.

" Morning Beautiful,
I want to have a little fun today. First get dress and get ready for the day. This is one of your surprises, I hope you love it. Follow the clues to get to your surprise. Here's your first clue: I light up the night sky, so you can see.
Have fun, see you in a bit
Xoxox Derek."

I smiled and threw the blankets off. I ended up taking a quick shower and throwing on a bikini and floral flowy dress with some sandals. I threw my hair up in a pony tail and put on a cross neck less and the ring Derek gave me. I took a look in the mirror and grabbed the note before I walked out of the room. As I went down the stairs, I couldn't figure out what the note ment. I light up the night sky, so you can see. What in the world did that mean. As I came down into the lobby, I saw that there was a little gift shop. I walked in and went to a cashier and asked him the question. He read the note and pointed towards the sunglasses. Sunglasses, of course because they blocked out the sun. I went over to the rack and started turning it, until I saw another note next to a pair a white sunglasses. I picked up the note and started to read.

"You found your next clue, I knew you would I ask for help. First take the white sunglasses, they are already paid for. Second clue: I grow big and tall, and I sway in the breeze."

I rolled my eyes at the having help part. I put on the sunglasses and started to head outside. It was a beautiful hot sunny day. Kids running all over the place and plenty of people laying out in the sun. I stood for a minutes, my eyes roaming the area for Derek. No luck, no sight of a Derek anywhere. I looked back at the note, sway in the breeze. It had to be either flowers or a palm tree. I begin to walk down the beach and began searching. Their wasn't really anything in sight, nothing but sand. I don't understand, my thoughts were broken when something hit my legs. I looked down and saw a beach ball, I bent down and picked it up.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around and saw a group of guys by a volleyball court. I started walking towards them, with the ball in my hand.

"Thanks." The guy said as I handed him the ball.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything miss." He smiled.

"Are their any palm trees or flowers around here?" I told him and explained the note to him.

"Yeah, if you keep walking down that way, on the right you should see some tall flowers." He pointed and explained the directions.

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