Happy New Years

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Bethany's P.O.V

It was 6:00 pm on New Year's Eve and I was on a flight heading down to Louisiana. I was suppose to go on a flight yesterday with Derek and Mark but since I can't even stand the thought of Derek right now, I booked another flight. I've been ignoring Derek ever since I found out about him and Kate. He's been calling and texting about what was wrong. I ended up texting him the little video of him and her, and since then he's been trying to reach me ever since. Though I'm ignoring him, he ruined my Christmas and he is not going to ruin my New Years.

| Line Line Line |

When I got off the plan, I grabbed my luggage and went off to find Sadie. It took me a while, but I found her standing next to Mark outside of the airport.

"Hey girl." I smiled as I gave her a hug.

"Hi." She replied and hugged me back.

I pulled away, looked over at Mark and held my arms out "Hey."

He smiled and pulled me into a big embrace "Hey cutie!"

I smiled and then pulled away. I started to look around "He's not here, right?"

"He is not, he's back at out hotel." Mark reassured me.

"I just don't understand what happen?" Sadie asked, getting into the backseat with me.

I jumped in the back seat as well "Because he cheated on me and then lied to me about it!"

Sadie frowned and then looked straight a head "Mark, what has he said to you."

Mark, who was driving looked back quickly and then kept looking straight ahead "The only thing I will say is that he didn't deny anything."

"See!" I said to Sadie.

She rolled her eyes "I'm sure he has a good excuse. I'm come on B it's Derek."

"Maybe, but Sadie he has lied to me about Nina and he lied to me about Kate!"

"Are you saying you don't want to he with him anymore?" Sadie asked looking concern.

"No, I'm not saying that." I sighed "I'm just tired of him lying to me."

She moved over and gave me a small smile and a hug "I know, I'm sorry B."

As I hugged her back I let a few tears slipped from my eyes. The rest of the of the ride was quiet, from me at least. Mark and Sadie were having mini conversations. I kept looking at my phone and reading all of Derek's text. I do honestly believe in my heart that he has a good reason for what he did, but then my head tricks me into saying that there was no excuse for it. I keep thinking of the Taylor Swift song, Should've of Said No. You know the one lyric, "You should've said no, you should've thought twice before you let it all go, you should've said no and baby you might still have me."

I looked out the window and sighed. We pulled up to to Sadie's parents house, which is were I'll be staying at for the next couple of days. I got out and greeted all of her family and thanked them for letting me stay with them.

"Are you hungry, were about to have our cookout?" Kori asked as she gave me a hug.

"Starving." I told her with a smile.

Sadie, her sister and I were by the fire that, guys have set up, just talking and having a good time. Just then I saw out of the corner of my eye, that Derek had showed up to the party. He walked over to Mark and Willie and started talking to them.

"Go talk to him B." Sadie told, she must have notice me stating at him.

"It's hard, I just don't even know what to say to him right now." I confessed.

"Don't talk, let him explain since he was the one who started it." Her sister joined in.

I looked back at Derek than back at the two of them "Fine, but he has to talk to me first."

"You are so stubborn!" Sadie stated.

I smiled and laughed a little "I know."

| Line Line Line |

Derek's P.O.V

It was a 5 minutes before midnight and I still haven't got the chance to talk to Bethany. I'll admit I was kinda avoiding her but I knew I needed to talk to her. I walked over to where she was at. She was sitting by Sadie on the steps of the house.

"Bethany can we talk?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

She looked at Sadie who nodded and then looked back at me "Fine."

She stood up and started to walk beside me. We ended up walking all the way down to the driveway, not saying a word. She stop, not even turning around to look at me.

"Babe.." I started to say and when I did she turned around, facing me having her arms crossed.


"I don't wanna hurt you anymore." I told her and she made a face "We kissed yes, but we just got caught up in the moment. But I was telling you the truth, I was comforting her because her and her husband are getting a divorce."

"But you still lied to me Derek! When I asked you if what they said was true, you sad no and said I had nothing to worry about." She yelled "And obviously I did!"

I sighed "I know!"

"And then I found out from some 8 year old and from E News that it was actually true!" She added on.

"I'm sorry Bethany, i don't know what else to say but sorry."

"I'll be honest it hurt me that you kissed her but it hurts me even more when you lie to me Derek, I want us to be honest with each other and be able to trust each other. I don't wanna be apart for a couple of weeks and then find out that you been seen kissing some other girl!" She confessed, sounding like she was about to cry.

"I know i hurt you and I was wrong. I should've told you when it happen and not try to keep it a secret."

She looked at me and I continued "I thought I was protecting you by not telling you, but it's just happens that I just ended up hurting you even more by not saying anything."

She looked down and kicked a small rock "I don't know Derek."


"I understand your reasons for not wanting to be with me right now, but you shouldn't have any reasons for giving up on us so fast."


"What?" She said, looking confused.


"We've only been dating for about 4 months, I don't wanna see us ending this because of me being a dumb ass." I stated, which made her smile "So can we at least keep trying."


She sighed and then walked towards me "We can, but it's going to be awhile before I can trust you again."


I smiled "I understand, you have every right." I told her as I put my arms around her body, giving her a hug.


"It feels good to be back in your arms." She mumbled into my chest.


"I love you Bethany and I truly mean that. I love you and only you." I told her as she looked up at me.


"I love you too Derek, I've never stopped."


I smiled as I leaned in close but she stop me "What!"

"Wait for it!"


I smiled "Happy New Years Darling."

"Happy New Years." She said before leaning up and giving me a passionate kiss.

Review? :) | Sorry for any mistakes |

Happy New Years you guys!!! Hope everyone had had an amazing 2014!! 😊🎉🎉

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