When Both Of Us Are Together

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Derek's P.O.V

| Skip past a couple of weeks |

"Okay, Derek and Mark are you guys ready for your number with some of the old constants to Uptown Funk." One of the producers asked.

"Yeah." Mark and I both replied at the same time.

Mark and I were dancing with some old partners for the 10th anniversary special. He had 3 old past partners Kristi, Katherine and Chelsea. I also had 3 past partner, Maria, Amber and Amy. We all lined up ready to go, they introduced each partner as the song went on. Amy had a part where she had to sit on the judges table, and I had to be with her to do a move. But when I turned I slipped and hit my foot hard on one of the lights. I quickly picked that foot up and hobbled to the back.

Immediately a bunch of pros and celebrities gathered around me, asking the same questions.

"Derek are you alright......."

"Are you okay..........."

"Did you hit your foot hard......."

"Hey man, I think you need some ice." Mark questioned as he grabbed my hand and helped me out "I'll go get it."

"No, I'll do it." I told him stepping on my heal instead of using my whole foot.

"Are you sure, it's all the the way downstairs." Mark asked, not sure of this.

"Yeah dude, I'll be fine." I reassured him and limped off.

All I remember after that, was that I was beginning to walk down the stairs. I don't recall actually going down. I was at the bottoms of the stairs laying on my back, my toe and now my ankle both hurting like hell.

I slowly sat up and put my head in my hands "shit!"

"Derek, what the hell dude?!"
Mark yelled from the top of the stairs. Julianne and Val were standing next to him.

They rushed down quickly and were at my side in seconds.

"What happened?" Julianne questioned.

"I slipped, I think." I told them all that I knew.

"You think." Julianne raised an eyebrow and then turned to look at Amy on top of the stairs "Amy, call an ambulance!"

Amy nodded and quickly pulled out her phone, dialing 911.

"Val, help me take him upstairs!" Mark instructed.

Val nodded and grab my right arm and put it around his neck as Mark did the same to the other side.

Mark turned his head and looked at Julianne "Jules, call Bethany and tell her to meet us at the hospital."

Julianne nodded "Already on it!"

Bethany's P.O.V

It was almost 11 at night and I was just finishing up editing a new video. I closed the laptop and looked around the empty room. Derek was suppose to stop by after rehearsal, but he hasn't showed up yet. I guess rehearsal was running later then planned.

I got up off the bed and walked over to a full length mirror. I lifted my shirt up and looked at my little bump. I put my hand on my stomach and try to feel movement. I should be able to feel him or her kicking or moving at this point, but sadly all I felt was nothing. My thoughts were broken by my cell phone going off. I pulled my shirt down and walked over and picked my phone off my bed.

"Hello, hey Julianne." I smiled but that smiled turned into a frown "What happened......is he okay.......I'm on my way!"

| Skip 15 minutes |

Too Young, Too OldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora