9: Cigarette

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Laying in Blake's cold bed, I pulled the covers up to my chest to cover myself up and find some warmth as I watched him put his black skinny jeans back on and make his way out of the small bedroom. He came back a few minutes later, dropping an empty duffle bag at the edge of the bed.

"What do you need that for?" I asked, sitting up in confusion.

"I'll be out of town for a few weeks." He shrugged and walked over to the small wooden dresser that held the entirety of his wardrobe.

"A few weeks? Why?" I complained and plopped back into bed.

"For various business matters." He vaguely explained. I knew what he meant by that, and he knew that I was aware of what his 'business' involved, but we never mentioned it to one another. It was like a silent agreement that we always had, to keep his source of income unspoken.

Even though I was fully aware of his life when he was not with me, I never really pushed him to elaborate of what he was doing exactly. The main reason for that was because I didn't want to admit it to myself. I knew Blake was involved into the drug dealing world in some extent. I just couldn't bring myself to actually know more. It's not really something to be proud of, so I kept my mouth shut.

"So, you haven't talked to me for almost a week, you suddenly come to my school and now you'll be leaving?" He didn't seem to hear what I said as he didn't even look up at me. He started putting clothes into the bag carelessly, not bothering to actually fold them.


"What?" He asked surprised. I sighed and decided to drop the matter.

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not really sure, Saph. Everything is up in the air at the moment." I nodded, already feeling disappointed with the fact that I'll be alone for God knows how long until he comes back or Kristy visits again.

"Will you at least call me every once in a while? I'll be lonely here all by myself."

"I'll try." He answered, not taking his eyes away from the clothes he shoved into the bag.

"When are you leaving?" I asked in hopes that I'd at least get to spend the night with him.

"Tonight. Get dressed so that I can drive you home." He instructed as he zipped up the duffle bag, dropping it next to the door before he went to retrieve a grey T-shirt to put on.

I got off the bed slowly, dragging my every move in an attempt to make time slow down. I retrieved my clothes, getting dressed in silence as I heard him walk out the bedroom door and into the small living room.

"I'll miss you." I mumbled defeated as I walked towards the living room.

"You'll be fine." He chuckled and walked over to me, giving me a final kiss and handing me my jacket.


Needless to say that I didn't really sleep that much, and the dark circles on my eyes made that obvious. As I stared at myself in the large mirror in my bathroom, I had the urge to scream, but I didn't. Instead I took a deep breath and splashed my face with cold water in an attempt to appear more lively. I applied the tiniest bit of concealer to hide the darkened skin and brushed my hair, gathering it up into a loose ponytail.

Walking back into my bedroom, I retrieved my phone and decided to call Kristy to see when she would be able to visit again but she didn't answer. She was probably still asleep so I just put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a black T-shirt that I tucked into the pants and a dark blue flannel shirt, leaving it unbuttoned and searched my room to find my navy high top converse.

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