5: Cafeteria

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"She just walked away like that?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I said, sounding as surprised as he was.

"But why? Did you say something to piss her off?" He asked, sounding even more confused.

"No! I told you everything that happened!" I sighed and he looked at the freshly cut grass infront of his feet, deep into thoughts.

"What the hell..." he mumbled and lied down on his elbows, crossing his ankles.

"Even if she was on her period she wouldn't act like that. Maybe she was just having a bad day."

"More like bad year." I mumbled and snickered to myself.

"You know... maybe she just got the wrong impression from you."

"I did what you told me to." I glared at him but he didn't even notice.

"No I don't just mean from today. I mean it more generally. She might think you are more cocky than you actually are."

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You speak English you know what I mean! What I don't understand is why do you bother so much with this girl?" He said clearly confused and I chuckled at the realization that I don't actually have a solid response.

"I have no fucking idea." I murmured shaking my head.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, curiously looking at me.

"Oh I'm sorry! I thought you spoke English as well." I mocked, snickering at his reaction.

"I'm just gonna ignore that and move on. But what's going on?" He almost whispered.

"I told you I don't know." I said annoyed mostly at myself and burried my face in my hands.

"Come on mate there must be a reason why you care so much about this girl... Maybe you like her."

"Nope." I sharply answered before snickering.

"Ok... then maybe you just find her weird." He concluded.

"I guess so but weird in a way that she bottles a lot inside and is very anti-social and window obsessed."

"Wait what?" He exclaimed looking at me confused.

"That's not the point." I shook my head and before he had the chance to answer our gym teacher was heard shouting.

"ALRIGHT YOU FAT ASSES HIT THE SHOWERS YOU'RE DONE FOR TODAY!" Everyone followed his orders and rushed to the changing room, willing to get to lunch.

Twenty minutes later almost the entire school was piled up all around the cafeteria and it seemed like forever to get out of the queue with our lunch. Finding a table was easy since Harry was already sitting at one, waving at us.

I sat next to him and Louis sat across from us. Five minutes later came Liam and Zayn who took a seat next to me while Liam sat next to Louis.

"Vas happening boys." Zayn said cheerfully, glancing at all of us.

"You really like saying that don't you." Louis chuckled and Zayn just shrugged his shoulders in response. The boys started talking about their day. but I'd be lying if I said I paid any attention. Without even realising it, I was looking for her. I searched the entire room but she was nowhere to be found, and it's not like it's easy for her to blend in.

Through The Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें