17: Blower's Daughter

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"So, to recap." Kristy clapped her hands together and took a sip of her iced coffee as she seemed to run all the information in her head.

"You did an assignment together, you poured your heart out to him and he actually cared, he accidentally met your dad and then he kissed you." She listed, stirring the coffee with her straw.

"Pretty much, yeah." I nodded with a faint chuckle, taking a sip of my own iced coffee as we waited for our brunch in our usual diner.

"Alright, Saph. Here's the deal. It's painfully clear that he actually likes you. And he's so fucking nice, it's a breath of fresh air from that asshole Blake." She complained, sounding exhausted. I just nodded in response, not really sure what to say because she was actually right. Niall is like a breath of fresh air that came into my life out of nowhere, and eventhough I hated to admit it, I didn't wanna lose him.

"I know that you think you cheated on Blake because you actually kissed Niall back, but you have to admit how much you actually wanted to kiss him at that moment."

"I was caught off guard, Kris. And I was just craving physical contact." I argued.

"Yeah, from Niall. You said it yourself. You felt hurt when you thought he wouldn't be interested in you, Saph. You actually like him back. Come on, don't ruin this." She scoffed, leaning into her seat.

"I'm not ruining anything. What am I supposed to do, Kris? I know you hate to hear this, but Blake still exists, and I'm technically still with him."

"Yes, Saph, technically. You're not actually with him though. He hasn't been in touch since he left! I'm sorry to tell you this, but he couldn't give a fuck about you." She spoke a little louder in annoyance, drawing the attention of a couple sitting at a table nearby. Her words hurt to hear, but I knew it was the truth.

"And didn't you say you saw him with a girl once a couple of months ago?" She added.

"First off, I'm not sure it was him and secondly, it could easily be a friend or a relative."

"Stop defending him for fuck's sake! I'm tired of having the same argument over and over! " She shouted and I immediately tried shushing her to avoid drawing any further attention. She looked out the window, calming herself down before she turned back to me.

"Look. My point is, Blake won't be back for a long time, and you have no reason to keep waiting around for him. The only reason you stayed with him for so many months was because you didn't wanna be alone." She explained, leaning her elbows onto the table to get closer to me.

"But you're not alone anymore, Saph. You have Niall. He told you that he's going to be there for you whenever you need him. What else could you want? He's already been a better boyfriend than Blake has in almost a year, and he's not even your boyfriend for crying out loud." She continued, laughing a little at her own joke.

"What should I do then? Blake is nowhere to be found. He hasn't answered any of my texts, so I can't even end things with him." I admitted, slouching into my seat defeated.

"He doesn't even deserve an explanation to be honest. If I were you I'd make a move on McDreamy and forget all about McSteamy pile of shit for good." She proudly said and started laughing at her joke.

"So, just text Niall and ask him to hang out." She said in anticipation.

"Oh, now that you mention that, he kinda already invited us to the pub he sang at last time." I admitted and her eyes widened in shock.

"What? And you're just now telling me?" She exclaimed. I nodded, chuckling at her reaction just as our order arrived.

"Then we're definitely going, and trust me, I'll make sure that when he sees you tonight he won't be able to think straight." She smirked mischievously and clapped her hands excitedly.

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