3: Unjustified Thoughts

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One month into school and all she does is either look out the window or lay her head on the desktop burring it in her arms. I tried talking to her, asking her about her day and stuff like that but all I got in response was silence and rarely a hardly audible 'Fine'.

I've seen her out of class too but she's always alone, even during lunch and I just wanna get up from my seat and go sit next to her but I never do. I just sit there and stare at her

Why do I even care?

Why do I care for a girl I see two times a week who probably makes fun of me behind my back? Most people here do so and I know it so why would she be any different? She might laugh at me with people that don't even go to this school.

But... Even though I'm aware that that's probably what happens, I still seem to care.

I still feel bad whenever I see her alone. I still want to find a way to help her when I see her curled up in her seat, sniffling and I swear she holds back tears.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"What's up with you lately mate?"

"Huh?" I snapped my head up right after I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking at the four boys around me.

"You've been acting kinda..." Liam trailed off struggling to find the word he wanted.

"Weird." Louis filled in as I furrowed my eyebrows. I'd say more like stupid or idiotic but okay.

"What do you mean weird?" I asked, putting on the shirt I've been holding this entire time.

"Like... you always zone out and don't listen to us at all and just stare at the distance." Yeah, the distance. Little did Harry, or any of these boys , know that this 'distance' has a name which I still don't know of. She doesn't ever talk to me, let alone tell me her name and the teacher doesn't seem to bother to call out the names to see who actually showed up in her class or pay any attention to her.

"He's doing it again..." Harry sighed bringing me back to reality yet again, tearing my gaze from the messy little space of my changing room locker and closed it, pressing my back against it and sighed as well. I should really stop zoning off all the freaking time!

"Sorry, sorry...I'll try to stop." I sighed. Liam was about to say something but was interrupted by the teacher screaming for us to come out. All the guys piled towards the exit but I took my time and Louis stayed behind with me.

"What's going on pal? C'mon talk to daddy." I rose an eyebrow at my older friend and he chuckled lightly before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and slowly leading me out of the changing rooms.

"Nothing... I'm good." I gave him a smile. A fake one. I wasn't really in the mood to talk or smile and I don't even know why.

"C'mon you know you can tell me anything. Is it a girl?" I knew how he meant it. He thought there was something romantic but there wasn't. It was far from that. He thought he was correct because of my silence and he smirked.

"Not in that way you're thinking of... but yes." He furrowed his eyebrows, stopping dead in his tracks and pulling me with him.

"I'm confused. What do you mean?" I sighed and was about to answer, even though I had no idea how to put it, when the gym teacher came back and saw we were still there.

"Tomlinson! Horan! Do you need a special invitation to join us." The tall, big man shouted at us. He was quite intimidating. Both on looks and attitude and he knew how scared most of the students were of him. And he so happened to coach both the basketball and football team.

"No Sir. We're really sorry Sir." Louis answered wide eyed, straightening his posture as if he was in the army. The teacher glared at us and walked away. Louis rolled his eyes and we both followed him outside.

"Hate this guy." He whispered in my ear, earning a chuckle from me. We found the rest of the class on the football field. All boys, since the school had this rule of boys and girls never having gym class together. I never understood it, but I didn't really care to be honest.

"Alright ladies. Run ten rounds around the field and then give me thirty push-ups." Everyone groaned at the directions they were given but got up from the grass and lined up to start running, me being last in line as I always did and preferred since that way I didn't have anyone behind me so I could run without having some impatient idiot telling me to run faster and ending up passing me.


Twenty minutes later and everyone, including me of course, had collapsed on the ground, breathless and exhausted until that dick of a teacher made us get up to continue by playing football.

He hasn't even moved his pinky while everyone was literally swimming in sweat. So annoying. But luckily when he was in a good mood, he would let us off easily and leave us to play football, which was much better than the exercises he made us do and we could finally relax.

But that meant we could start thinking again, and of course my mind drifted back to her. Why the hell does this happen? I don't have a crush on her. I know I don't. But why do I think of her most (all) of the time? Is it curiosity? Is it pity? I wanna know damnit!

"Watch out!" I heard someone shout but I didn't even have the time to even recognize the voice before a ball landed right on my face. Nose to be exact. I stumbled back but luckily didn't fall down.

"Ah fuck!" I shouted and covered my face with my hands, leaning forward. I was feeling dizzy so I didn't risk doing any other move. I held my nose in-between my fingers as it felt like it was ripped from me.

"Mate you alive?" Louis joked as he patted my back and stood next to me.

"I think so..." I groaned as I straightened up slowly, noticing Liam on my right side me and Harry and Zayn a few feet away.

"You ok bud?" Zayn shouted and I nodded giving him a thumbs up as he returned it and he took off running, Harry following suit after him.

"Let me check your face." Liam said, already holding my face, slightly squishing my cheeks as he examined me.

"I'm fine man." I laughed and pushed him away. We love him, but he sometimes acts like our mum.

After I had fully recovered from the event, there I was again, thinking of that particular person. It's the first time in my life I actually wish someone was here to beat me up. Maybe then, I would get over this stupid... whatever it is!


Yeah I don't really have anything to say and even if I did no one really reads these author notes in books (except for me maybe) If you read that comment that ^_^

What do you guys think of this book? Is it good enough? Should I continue?

Oh also I plan on alternating the pov from chapter to chapter. What do you think?

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