37: Friday

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The end of the week eventually rolled around, and seeing as last Friday was a nightmare for me, I was more than ecstatic to venture into the weekend.

The main reason for that was of course the fact that I'd get to spend not one, but two nights with Niall, since he managed to convince his mother to let him spend the weekend at 'Liam's house'. Seeing as I was someone that paid no regards to my parents, leaving them completely clueless of my whereabouts, I did find it odd that a boy his age still asked for his mother's permission. However, it was sort of adorable to know he respected his mum so much that he still followed her rules, even though he could technically do whatever he wanted.

Our time together started off with us meeting at the door of the school that led to the car park, and even though I knew it was ridiculous, I had an instilled fear in me that Blake would somehow manage to ruin our weekend again. I hated that my mind kept trailing back to him, because he didn't deserve it and I knew that. I hated that I was scared of him in the sense that he could find a way to ruin everything. I hated that he still had that power over me.

My irrational fear was evident when I kept looking around the busy car park while Niall and I walked to his car, praying that I wouldn't find the rundown motorcycle. Niall was savvy and he knew me pretty well. The combination of the two led him to be able to know exactly why I was so on edge all of a sudden.

"It's okay love. I'm here." He reassured me, coming to a stop once we reached his car. He always knew the perfect thing to say and do to calm me down and put me at ease. I took in a deep breath, looking up at him as I placed my palms onto his chest.

"I know, just bad memories." I sighed, fidgeting with the neckline of his white T-shirt as I looked down. He pulled me into a tight embrace, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his chin on my head.

"I'm not going anywhere. Never again." He spoke into my hair, goosebumps rising at the back of my neck from his words and gentle embrace. After a few seconds, he pulled back and smiled down at me, loosening his grip around me.

"So stop worrying." He chuckled, bringing both his hands to cup my face before he pressed his lips on mine for a split second, my heart skipping a beat like it always did whenever he would kiss me. I smiled back at him to show him I was okay before we broke apart to get into the car.

As I watched the large building of the school disappear into the distance, I felt my body relax. This was it. We got through it and we were finally on our way to my house, where nothing could get in the way of us having time with eachother. I squeezed his hand, giving it a light massage while he hummed along to the radio like he always did.

He was a very musically inclined person and that was evident in everything that he did. From humming to himself even when there was no music playing, to tapping his pen rhythmically onto his notebook, to the way he'd move to the beat of a song while he'd pretend he was holding and playing a guitar, scrunching his face as he'd let the music overtake his senses. It's little subminimal things he did that made him who he is that caused me to fall in love with him more and more everyday and he wouldn't even realise that these things were what I always paid attention to.

He noticed I was staring at him, breaking into a smile before he glanced at me for a second, turning his attention back to the road as he took a left turn. He kept singing the song from the radio quietly, paying more attention to the melody rather than the lyrics. I broke my stare from him, focusing on our intertwined hands instead as I kept the massaging motion going.

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