18: Finally Free

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When I came to see him perform tonight, I didn't plan for any of this to happen. I didn't plan to kiss Niall and I definitely did not expect I would be dragging him towards the bathrooms, desperate for his kiss and his touch. It was like my body was acting on its own and I had no control over my actions.

But here I was, walking back into the busy dimly lit room that reeked of alcohol while he was holding my hand, leading me through the crowd of people as we tried spotting Kris.

"I think I saw her at the bar." He leaned down to say into my ear over the loud music. I examined the people that were sitting at the stools at the bar, managing to spot Kristy's long, pin straight black hair. She was talking to a tall redhead, and they were both giggling.

"What do you think? Should I go and cockblock her?" I joked to Niall as I realised Kristy was actually flirting with the girl next to her.

"That's what friends are for. Cockblocking." He joked back with a laugh as we walked towards her.

"Hey!" I cheered, smirking at my friend as I stood between them and Niall stood behind me.

"That was quick." She remarked and cocked an eyebrow. I slapped her shoulder when I understood her innuendo and turned to the girl she was talking to.

"Is she annoying you? She's pretty annoying." I joked. The girl laughed, showing her bright white teeth.

"No, it's ok. I'm Claudia." She beamed and offered me a handshake.

"I'm Saph. This is Niall." I smiled at her and accepted her gesture as Niall nodded his head as a greeting with a polite smile.

"I was just about to head out, but it was nice meeting you." She smiled as she wrote her number on a piece of paper and slid it next to Kristy's hand. She got up and left, waving at all of us.

"She's pretty cute." I pointed out as I noticed a faint blush on Kristy's cheeks. Niall took the seat Claudia was in and pulled me by the waist to sit on his leg, something that caught me off guard and made Kris chuckle.

"Aren't you two adorable, acting all couplely already." She said with a laugh, making me blush at the realisation of what was happening. I felt Niall chuckle, his hot breath next to my ear as he held me snug against his chest by wrapping both arms around my waist.

It felt kinda weird being with him like that. Not only because it was him, but because I wasn't used to public displays of affection. I wasn't used to holding hands and cuddling while sitting in a public place, and Kris knew that, hence why she pointed it out.

"Are you gonna call her?" I asked Kris in an attempt to change the subject. She shrugged, unsure of what to do since she would be leaving tomorrow again.

"No idea. Thanks for butting in by the way." She snickered sarcastically as she took one last sip of her drink, emptying the glass.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she got up. I slid off of Niall's leg and pulled down the hem of my dress to make sure it didn't ride up.

"Yeah, let me call a taxi." I said and slid my phone out of my small handbag.

"I can drive you home if you want." Niall offered as he stood up as well.

"I've barely had one beer, so there's no problem. Just give me a minute to let the lads know." He added.

"No Niall, you don't have to. We'll just get a taxi. You stay here with your friends." I argued.

"It's okay, I don't mind. I would be leaving soon anyway. I'll meet you at the entrance." He added and pecked my cheek before he left to find his friends.

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