43: U.N.I.

639 24 160


The long, carpeted corridor was filled with the chattering of parents and first year students working on settling into their rooms, people walking around carrying boxes, luggage and all sorts of stuff. I squeezed through the crowd, trying to not bump into anyone or anything as I searched for the room numbered 248.

I paid close attention to each label next to each door, feeling my heart pick up pace the closer I got. I'll finally get to see him after almost two months. I could barely contain my excitement as I walked down the hall, but I knew my self control would be long gone the second I'd lay my eyes on him. I've never missed a person so much in my life but at the same time, I didn't mind we were apart. And that was because I knew our feelings towards eachother weren't gonna change just because we weren't together every day.

He was worth the wait, because the moment he'd move into his dorm, we'd get to be together again. He'd go to his classes, I'd go to my job and we'd spend our spare time together. It was perfect and I couldn't wait to start our new everyday lives in the company of one another. We would still be busy, and we'd have to live separately but I didn't care. As long as I knew he'd be there whenever I needed to see him, I was beyond happy.

I finally reached the number I was searching for. The metal plaque drilled into the wall made my breath hitch as I realised he was so close to me. The wooden door was slightly creaked open, shuffling sounds from the inside barely audible from all the noises in the hall. I pushed the light door open slowly, examining the room carefully. It wasn't your usual dorm room. The furniture, though basic, was more contemporary.

Light wood tall dressers with matching desks were the standard furniture, two beds on either side of the room. One was made, while the other was not. The black guitar case on the bare mattress of the unmade bed was what captured my attention immediately. I knew this guitar case. I've held the acoustic guitar resting inside and I've heard the melodic sounds its strings made countless times. A blue backpack thrown onto the desk next to a baseball hat were the next things my attention was drawn to.

"Sapphire." With a chill running down my spine at the way my name sounded from his deep voice, I turned on my heels slowly. My heart must've skipped several beats at the sight of him. He was standing at the opened door of the bathroom, blue shirt and jeans, hair messy, unruly and icy blonde. Black frames complimenting his facial features perfectly. A half smile on his pinkish lips. He was perfect, and I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to have him in my life.

"Ni." I smiled, my eyes watering as I opened my arms wide. The small toiletries bag he was holding dropped to the floor as he practically ran to me, even though we were just a few meters away from eachother. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me off the ground and clutching me to his chest as I held onto him as tightly as I could. I was engulfed into his scent that I could never get enough of. Every piece of clothing he had left to me during our time apart had lost that aroma, leaving me with nothing but just the memory of what it was like. With his face still nuzzled into the crook of my neck, he placed me down but still held me as close as humanly possible.

"I missed you gem. I love you so much." He mumbled, pressing his lips on the skin right below my earlobe. I had to actively try and stop myself from tearing up further. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"I love you too bub. And I missed you like crazy." I whispered back, taking in every split second of our first moments together after so long. He pulled back, looking down at me and I was finally able to stare into the vibrant shade of blue eyes that had captivated me since the first time I ever got to see them.

Not many words were exchanged. We had kept up on updating eachother everyday through texts and late night FaceTime calls. So instead of talking we kissed, so lovingly and sweet, like we haven't kissed a million times before that moment. The butterflies in my stomach were still there, just as intense and overwhelming like the first time he kissed me in the driveway of my house. We held eachother the closest we physically could, savoring the feeling of being in eachother's arms.

Through The Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें