44: Heroes Tonight

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"I have a proposition for you." Confused as ever as to what the guy that just introduced himself as Curtis had to talk to me about, I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What kind of proposition?" I asked, to which he chuckled and turned to Saph, who stared at him just as confused from behind the bar.

"Let's talk over a beer. Budweiser." He ordered to Saph, to which she nodded and glanced at me with a smile before talking.

"Coming right up. Ni, Guinness?" She addressed to me, to which I nodded and she walked away with a smile.

"You seem pretty handy with the guitar. How long have you been playing?" Curtis asked immediately. I still hadn't managed to guess what he possibly had to offer me, so his question only confused me further.

"For about sever years or so." I shrugged, smiling at Saph as she placed our drinks infront of us and walked away, turning her attention to another customer as she continued working.

"Have you been taking lessons?" He questioned, taking a generous sip from his glass bottle.

"No, not really. I'm mostly self taught." The whole situation for me was uncomfortable, and that was evident by the way I avoided eye contact and instead kept looking at the glass I was gripping with both hands. I never really was the one to be comfortable around complete strangers. The only time I broke out of my comfort zone and approached someone I didn't know was when I started talking to Saph. It was the only time in my life I actually actively tried getting close to someone I didn't know. But it worked out for the best, because I never expected in the beginning I'd end up being so happy with her.

"Really? That's impressive. What about the singing? Any lessons there?" Curtis spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts. I simply shook my head as a response, having some of my own beer while still not looking directly at him.

"Well, you're definitely a good singer and a great guitar player, and that's exactly what we've been looking for." I finally averted my gaze to him, intrigued and curious of what he meant enough to forget about my uneasiness.

"We?" I asked, seeing as he seemed to be here alone.

"Me and three of my friends started a band a few years ago, but recently one of them moved to Canada and dropped out of it. We need a new lead singer and guitarist. What do you say?" I was taken aback by his offer. Performing was something I loved, but had a hard time getting used to being the centre of attention. Having to sing infront of people was something I struggled with in the beginning, only recently being able to be completely comfortable with.

But performing with other people was something I've never done and never thought I'd do. It sounded nerve wracking, because one person's mistake could throw everyone off while I'd be able to salvage the situation by myself in some extent. It did sound interesting though, and I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to experience what being in a band was like. Nineties movies always glorified bands, making it almost every kid's dream to be in one.

"Are you offering me the position of your band's lead singer?" I questioned, even though his intentions were very clear at this point.

"Kind of. I'm suggesting you come over to one of our rehearsals and meet the others, show them what you can do and if they're on board too, then we can agree on you joining. If you're interested of course." He explained as I nodded, finally understanding exactly what he wanted.

"Do you have an electric guitar or just this one?" He quickly added, pointing to the acoustic guitar disclosed in its case.

"No, I have an electric one too."

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