35: Ferris Wheel

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"Saph? Can I come in?" I darted my head towards my bedroom door, shocked to hear my brother's voice on the other side as he knocked. I quickly pulled a grey Henley shirt over my head and closed the drawer of my dresser before I answered him.

"Yeah, I guess." I shouted back, unsure as to what he wanted. He opened the door slowly and poked his head inside, covering his eyes with his hand.

"Are you decent?" He asked, stepping into the room blindly.

"Yeah. I see you learned how to knock." I joked, since he had a habit of barging into my room unannounced. But I guess that's another thing he changed in his behaviour as of late.

"Do you and Niall have plans for tonight?" He asked, chewing on his lip nervously and ignoring my sarcastic remark. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, crossing my arms over my chest as he went and sat at the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, he's taking me to this theme park. Why?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He was nervous, and I haven't seen him act like that since the day he came out to me. His cheeks were flustered and he kept fiddling with his fingers. He looked at me with big eyes and cleared his throat.

"I was... Um... I wanted to ask if you guys didn't mind, would it be okay if Henry and I came along?" He stammered, looking down at his hands. I sighed, going over and sitting next to him. I knew he was still insecure, but I still didn't understand why he wanted to come with us.

"If you wanna take Henry on a date, why don't you? Wouldn't it be weird for him if your sister and her boyfriend intruded in your date?" I reasoned, placing my hand on his shoulder. He took in a shaky breath, rubbing his eyes before he shuffled on his side to face me.

"Henry isn't out either, and we don't wanna risk being seen in public just the two of us. His parents are very homophobic. I just thought that if we had someone else with us it would be safer, and you're the only one that knows about us and that I trust." He explained, taking me by surprise at how easily he opened up to me. I felt bad for him. He just wanted to go on a date with a person he liked, and he couldn't do that. I couldn't say no to him, not after all the efforts he's made to mend our relationship.

"I'll text Niall and ask him, okay?" I smiled, getting up to grab my phone from my desk. Cameron stayed put, nervously looking at me with a faint smile. I quickly texted Niall, explaining the situation briefly to him and asking him if he was okay with Cameron and his date coming with us. He replied almost instantly, saying that he didn't mind at all and that he'd be here in half an hour, putting a blue heart at the end of his sentence. I smiled at my phone, relieved that he was such a welcoming and easygoing person.

"He said yes, so make sure your date is here within the next thirty minutes." I smiled and walked back to the bed. His eyes lit up with excitement and he shot up, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much sissy!" He cheered as I awkwardly patted his back, taken aback by the sudden embrace.

"You haven't called me that in years." I chuckled, referring to the childhood nickname he had for me back when we were inseparable.

"Better get used to it I guess." He chuckled and shrugged as he stepped back. He was smiling so widely, his dimples were starting to show.

"I'm gonna go get ready." He beamed, jogging out of my room and closing the door behind him. I laughed at how excited he got over the double date and started on curling my hair. After I was done, I did my usual makeup, applied some strawberry lip balm and tucked my shirt into the black ripped jeans I was wearing. Glancing at the digital clock on my nightstand, I realised it was almost six, which meant Niall would be here any second. I quickly stuffed my wallet, phone and keys into a small crossbody bag and ran to my closet to retrieve a leather jacket, stopping by my dresser to put on a spritz of perfume before I swung the bag over my shoulder and rushed out of the room, holding the jacket in my hand.

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