4: Take It As It Is

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Fortunately my parents are away on a business trip, meaning I don't have to deal with their perfect little rich selves. However, It also means I have to take the bus to get to school because my lovely brother likes to leave earlier to meet up with his friends.

Getting onto the bus, I spotted an empty seat at the very back and just went for it, ignoring the looks and comments I drew.

I sat down and took my phone out of my pocket, picking a different song than the one already playing and putting my earphones back into my ears. I pressed my head against the window and closed my eyes, humming the song to myself and clearing my mind from any thoughts.


I closed my locker and sighed, thinking about how much I hate high school and walked off to my class. I was contemplating dropping out but I knew my parents would not let that slip, no matter how little attention they pay to me.

Lightly bumping into someone, I mumbled a sorry and looked up when I heard one back. It was that guy from Biology, looking at me quite surprised. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked away. Thank God no books or whatever fell on the floor. It would be too awkward. I went to my Algebra class and sat down literally two seconds before the teacher closed the door.

The lesson was dangerously boring and uncomprehensive and by the end everyone was as if they had lost every remaining braincell. The teacher gave the homework he thinks we are doing and dismissed us just as the bell rang. I looked at my program and groaned as I realised I had Biology.

I got into the classroom and walked to my seat, already finding blondie there, scribbling something onto his notebook. I sat down and he glanced at me for a mere second. Something was different about him today. And I don't mean on his appearance.

Ten minutes into the lesson he spoke.

"Can I ask you a question?" He whispered and I averted my gaze from the grey-ish looking mountain.

"What's so interesting about the window?" He wondered and I honestly don't blame him. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, looking at his notebook. He had copied everything the teacher has drawn on the blackboard and had written so many things I doubt he heard from the teacher.

"What's so interesting about Biology?" I asked in return. He chuckled and looked at his notebook as well as I averted my eyes to him.

"Not much really. Just trying to get a good grade." He said and smiled at me.

"Why? Did your coach threaten you he'd kick you out of the team or something?" I snickered and he shrugged.

"Nah I don't do any sports. I just want to get into a good college." I nodded, not wanting to pay any more attention and turned back to my precious window.

It was a rainy day today and everything was gloomier than usual. Little water puddles were scattered everywhere and my annoyance of accidentally stepping into one was unbearable.

I was distracted by the class laughing softly and I was curious as to what happened.

"Am I right or am I right?" The teacher proudly announced with stretched arms and blondie disappointingly shook his head.

"You're left." He whispered only loudly enough so that I could hear it. It wasn't funny but it was definitely funnier than the joke the teacher apparently said.

"Good one." I said to him and he slightly smiled. He seemed more confident... more sure of himself than he usually did, which was weird to me.

"Thanks." he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. He cleared his throat and focused back into the lesson.

"So... do you like Biology at all?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Do I look like I do?" I sarcastically smiled.

"No but you look like you like pottery." He said.

"Oh yeah? How is that?" I snickered.

"I honestly have no clue I just made it up." He shrugged his shoulders and half-smiled.

"You got it wrong though." I said and turned back to the window in an attempt to end this conversation. Though he just chuckled and spoke up again.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name." He tried to sound more confident than he actually was during this excuse of a conversation and I gave him my attention for a little while.

"You should've come to the hospital." He thought about it for a second or two and snickered.

"Sorry, I was busy that day. You know... stuff." He said while making an eye roll.

"Stuff? Really that's what you're going with?" I lightly laughed and sat up a little straighter.

"Come on you know how it goes.." He complained and I just shook my head but couldn't help that little smile I had. I crossed my arms and looked out the window again, seeing a couple of people running towards the building, covering their heads with their coats, but I couldn't quite tell if they were students or teachers. After that, I must have zoned off because the bell suddenly rang.

I grabbed my backpack, draped it over my left shoulder and walked slowly towards the door while blondie was struggling to put everything into its place. As I reached the door, I heard him stumbling behind me.

"You still haven't told me your name." He pointed out

"Well it's not my fault you weren't at the hospital." I answered and was about to rush into the mass of people flooding the hallway and disappear before he stepped infront of me.

He was, surprisingly, much taller than me. I barely reached his chin which was honestly a little intimidating. However, he was rather thin for his height.

"No seriously though... What's your name?"

"What are you doing? I have a class to get to." I said a little panicked and not because of the stupid class but because I hate it when people are so much taller than me. Though he stopped me from slipping past him.

"I just wanna get into an acquaintance level! You know, that's what people that meet do. Introduce themselves. Besides, we're pretty much stuck next to each other for a couple of months." He joked. I sighed and looked up at him.

"I'm Niall." He smiled and offered his hand for me to shake, expecting me to introduce myself as well.

"Well Niall, I have a class waiting for me." I said and walked right past him, declining his gesture because he was annoying me. Call me rude. I don't care!

I turned my head and looked back only to see him where I left him. I sighed and got my phone out, hoping to see Blake's name pop up on the screen, but nothing was there. He hasn't texted me or contacted me in any sort of way since yesterday morning and I have no idea why he doesn't act like a boyfriend should the past few months.

He may be cheating on me. That would explain it but even though it's probably true I don't wanna believe it. After all he's pretty much all I have. My parents are two egocentric workaholics that I barely even see anymore and my brother is just casually around, not trying to have any sort of relationship with me and acting like a simple roommate. I have one friend that dropped out of school last year and lives an hour away from me that I usually see at weekends.

So, pretty much the only person I have around is Blake who I've been dating for ten months. However it seems like much less since he has been distant for the last three, but especially lately.

I guess it's only fair to assume that he's seeing other people but I don't have anyone else to hold onto. So I just take it as it is.


Hello, I finally updated this story after almost six years. I plan on not exceeding the 20 chapter mark, since I don't really have many ideas for the plot.

If you have anything you'd like to see happen, please let me know. 😊

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