42: She's The One

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With a proud smile on her face, I watched her from down the line of students as she walked up the stage in her black graduation gown right after her brother to receive her diploma from the principle. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face either.

It might seem unlikely, but with some help from me she managed to pass all of her exams even if she barely put any effort in school throughout the year. Knowing that we were both done with school, neither of us could really contain our excitement for the day we'd both be in London.

I was accepted into the school like I was expecting I would, my excitement through the roof when I found out just a few days ago. With Saph already on board to move in the same city, it was sure to be a great couple of years for us to kickstart our lives together.

My own name being called on stage snapped me out of my daydream as I focused my attention back to what was happening. With no one left infront of me, I walked up the stairs to the stage of the large auditorium, a spotlight following me along as I shook hands with the school counselor, the Vice Principal and finally the Principal who stood infront of a wooden podium, handing me my diploma while shaking my hand.

"Congratulations Mr. Horan." The petite, elderly woman smiled warmly, tapping my shoulder as a signal to turn and face the camera at the edge of the stage for the picture every student took as memory for the moment.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson." I gave her a curt nod after the picture was taken, walking across the stage to the stairs on the other end. As I made my way back to my assigned seat, I searched the seated crowd for Saph who was sat a few rows ahead of me. She flashed me a bright smile once our eyes locked, waving at me from the distance. I'll never understand how she managed to make my heart skip a beat everytime she'd smile. Unable to hold back, I smiled back and returned her wave, looking forward to the moment the ceremony would be over.

I took my previous seat, watching the process go by and clapping after every name announcement, making sure to obnoxiously whistle whenever one of the lads would walk on stage, like they did to me and like we all did for eachother.

It seemed like hours passed, and maybe it was. The school had a lot of students and having to sit through every single one's name being called was tiresome. But the moment everyone was probably waiting for was here. We all rose from our seats as the Principal announced us the graduating class of 2013, a loud eruption of cheers, claps and screams following right after from the parents and students in the enormous room.

The crowd started to disperse as we all lined up to walk out of the room. I stood still in the narrow pathway between the wall and the rows of seats, waiting for the line to move along until Saph reached me. When she did, she immediately jumped into my arms, having to regards to the people still walking behind her as they glared at us. But I didn't care either. I hugged her back just as tightly, my face nuzzled into the crook of her neck as I took in the scent of her lavender perfume.

"We did it gem." I whispered to her, placing a chaste kiss right below her ear, exactly at a spot where a faint purple mark was still visible from a few nights back. I knew these spots were usually more sensitive when healing and that's exactly why I liked leaving kisses on them.

"We did it lovey." She pulled back to look at me, her hand on my cheek as she smiled. The sparkle in her eyes when she'd look at me would always flutter my heart causing it to palpitate ever so slightly.

"I love you." I spoke just loud enough for her to hear me before I leaned in, pressing my lips onto hers gently and getting a taste of the strawberry flavour from the lip balm she always had on.

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