A/N- About This Book

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Hello, guys, gals, and everything in between! It is me, The Author, AKA Cassdaddy, AKA Cassi, AKA The_Evilpinkcreeper. I STILL haven't forgot about this book, In fact, I have about eight or nine drafts ready to be uploaded. The reason I haven't? Its quite simple: They suck, much like the rest of the book. 

What I personally feel like doing is releasing my current unreleased chapters, then starting from square (haha) one. Yep, start over as if the previous chapters don't mean shit. Of course, I won't delete them, I would leave em there so whoever wishes to read them can. I personally don't like em (Though I'm biased because I am the one who wrote it.)

Before I do that, I figured I would give this A/N stating my honest opinion of this story, and, before committing to anything, I'd give everyone (the four people at most) who reads my story a chance to state if they want me to redo or simply stay committed.

If I do rewrite this, I'll focus more on the actual game storyline then random bullshit. I'll also try more to make the characters like their in-game personas. 

Anyways, I feel I got my point across, so, like it is forever and always, let me know how Y'ALL feel. Even though its technically my story, I don't want to be the only one enjoying (or in this case hating) this story.

-To Be Continued(?)-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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