That's A Huge Bitch

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-Gladio POV-

"Iggy, what the hell is that?" Noct asked with worry clear in his tone.

I wanted to look at what it was, but I knew if I did I would be spotted immediately. I was practically comando crawling.

"It appears the imperials have developed a new MA." Ignis informed us causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ah, they've given us some new gear to practice on?" I questioned with my usual menacing prowess.

"Practice? That's a bit more than practice if you ask me." Prompto fearfully said.

I chuckled at his fear and looked back at Iggy and Noct. They both had ponderous look, Iggy moreso than Noct.

"From what I can see it looks  like the exact same MA we've destroyed before." Noct said casually. Ignis glared at him and put his own input in.

"Yes, I presume it does, take the rockets, paint job, and augmented height." Noct hummed and then grabbed out a spell.

Ignis' eyes widened and he was about to say something before Noct threw the spell in the direction of the presumed MA. I watched in silence as the spell, Wich was a very potent pentcast went off lighting and waking up the base. Iggy groaned and stood straight up, no longer caring about stealth. He gave Noct his deathstare and physically tensed up.

"Noct, you absolute-" Iggy cut himself off as Noct warped over to the bipedal weapon.

Igs put his hand in his hair and tugged it before angrily jogging over.

Me and Prompto followed and then we spend the next twenty minutes trying to take the MA down.

"We could've avoided all this." Ignis said mid battle.

"Yeah... This one's tougher than the other ones!" Ignis made a very disappointed hum as we kept going at it.

This new bot was a good thirty feet tall. It was equiped with rockets that exploded on impact or placed themselves like mines, and it was painted a maroon red.

"It's nice of them to paint it a pretty red especially for us." I said sarcastically as I did an earth shatterer.

After a long while, the MA fell and exploded.

"We're alive!" Prompto cheered raising both his arms.

I stared at him with a small smile appearing on my face. For once, his dramatic victory chant didn't annoy me.

I looked at the other two. Noct was swayed down with a hand over his chest trying to breath. Iggy was standing with his arms crossed. A small head of sweat dripped down Iggy's face, but he didn't look tired or anything like that.

I stared amusedly at Iggy's face for a minute before I was brought back with a dramatic throat clear.

"On ward." Iggy said simply causing all three of us to mumble random stuff and proceed forward.

After that new MA battle, there wasn't much that took us by surprise. Everything that almost brought something ended really anticlimactic.

We finished up taking over the base and left. We were in there a good two or three days and our body odors was proof of that.

"Noct, you've got something on your face. You could really do with a bath for hygene's sake." Ignis scolded as Noct led us to the regalia.

"Heads up, you could probably use one too." Noct quipped back as he opened the driver's door and jumped into the seat.

Final Fantasy XV- Life on the EdgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon