Secret admirer

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-Ignis POV-

After being told of the challenge, I was unable to rest my mind. I tried breathing techniques and other things to try to fall asleep but I simply couldn't. I didn't like to admit, but they were correct, I was very self conscious about my physicue, though I know I didn't have a reason to be.

Since I couldn't sleep, I got up and sat down thinking for a minute or twenty. I looked around the dark room that was only lit by the moonlight. I was looking for something, but was unaware as to what that thing could be.

While I was scanning the room with my eyes, I notice Gladious shift, causing the blanket he was under to slip, revealing his ever so muscular body that I couldn't help but admire. I looked up at him and then down at myself. I took a quiet breath to not wake them and then I slowly slipped off my crownsguard jacket and shirt, leaving myself very much exposed.

I sat there quietly, gently rubbing my stomach in a rythmic pattern. The repetitive motion was calming, but I feared they would wake up and see me being admitably pretty creepy. I abruptly stopped the stomach rubbing and put my crownsguard jacket back on, buttoning it all the way. I took the shirt and slipped it in the bag with the rest of the gear. I felt myself tremble a little out of nervousness.

"Don't worry Iggy, you look nice, you look good. Go to sleep, don't worry." I whispered under my breath to myself as I tip toed back to my space on the bed. I reassured myself in a less elegant manner, they were asleep I didn't need to be on my best behavior.

I slept next to Gladious while Prompto slept next to Noct. It cost less and neither one of us minded the company. The only complaint I could come up with was the snoring. Prompto's snore was a sound reminiscent to a red duel horn.

I laid down, quickly checking if my jacket was covering me, knowing well it was, then closed my eyes and tried to relax. I paced my breaths and was dozing off before too much longer.

Before I fully fell asleep, I felt an arm reach across me and pull me in. I let out a gasp, but quickly covered my mouth to stifle any other noise that might come out. I turned my head and saw a sound asleep Gladious. My eyes widened out of shock of the situation and I felt my heart speed up to an abnormally fast rate. I didn't say or do anything out of not wanting to wake him up, I also had to say: The feeling was rather... Comforting. I felt a smile creep up but restrained it from appearing. I closed my eyes once again and fell asleep faster than I'd ever before.

-Gladious POV-

After a long day me and the guys crashed at a hotel. It wasn't an over the top luxurious resort, but it was alright. I preferred camping, but they didn't. Wimps. I went to sleep with just my lower half clothed, I always felt like I slept better when I was... Free.

In the middle of the night I felt the bed shift and quickly realized it was Iggy. He got up for whatever reason and I laid there for a couple minutes just wondering what he was doing. Him being him, it could've been a very wide range of things.

I waited, pretending to be asleep, until he slipped back into bed. I don't know why I was, but I guess I was just worried.

After a minute, I felt a little odd so I rolled over a little. In result of me shifting, the blanket I was under pulled down and my abs were on display. I laughed in my head, but continued the act. I heard Iggy let out a very quiet sigh, then I heard some shuffling, it went quiet again after the quick shuffling.

The silence lasted for a long time, and before I knew it I was out again.

I woke up later when it was closer to a good time to get up. I didn't open my eyes but I did take in a breath from my nose. My nose was filled with a very nice scent. I smile as I took in another lungful. I stopped my breathing when I felt movement. It was then I realized the thing I was smelling was Iggy's neck, and his cologne. Not only was I smelling him eerily, but I also had my arm fully wrapped around his abdomen and chest, and my crotch was fully brushed up against his ass. My eyes shot open and I tried gently moving away from him. The second I scooted back he rolled over while still asleep and we ended up cuddling again.

While I just stared not knowing what to do, I heard a chuckle and looked over to see Prompto fully awake and staring at us. I mouthed the words HELP ME and he chuckled again.

"Don't worry, I already got at least five pictures of you two love birds." He whispered and I scowled at him playfully.

Since I wasn't gonna be able to go anywhere I just accepted my fate and closed my eyes to get however much sleep I could. I'd make it seem like I had no idea when he wakes up. I went right back to sleep.

I woke up again and Iggy was still cutely curled up to my abdomen. I looked around and was surprised to see that not only prompto, but noctis was up already too. He's usually up last, and Iggy's the one up first, but today was different. Noct had a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"What do you want me to do? You want me to wake him?" I whispered over to Noct.

"Its very unusual for me to be up before him. I say let him sleep. He could use the extra Z's" Noct whispered back. I gave him a quick nod and laid there staring at Ignis's sleeping features.

His hair was all messed up from him rolling around in his sleep. He was smiling like he never does. He looked like a puppy. He looked like an innocent boy, vulnerable.

I laid there admiring him for an unknown amount of time until he finally started stirring. He let out a small groan followed by a whimper as he shifted a little.

"Hi." I said simply. Causing him to immediately open his eyes.

"Oh Shit!" He said startled as he hastily shot up out of the bed.

Me and the other boys laughed at his very rare swearing.

"It's about time you got up." Noctis said jokingly, in between chuckles.

"What time is it?" Ignis asked.

"It's just after 10." Noct answered and I looked over just as surprised as Iggy was.

Ignis looked around for a second then quickly dashed to the bathroom. He came back with his hair made and his clothes straightened out.

I handed him his glasses and then looked over his clothes again.

"We told you to let loose, not cover up more."

-To Be Continued-

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