Sexual Tension?

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-Ignis POV-

Gladio didn't realize that our feeling were mutual. That fact astonished me. I don't just cry into the shoulders of anyone, and I also don't get all cuddly with just anyone. He had special features about him that just made me unable to deny a romantic attraction. We both sat on a rock looking at the admitably very beautiful sunset. After my confession we went silent and I feared something bad. As I went to leave, he ushered me back.

I did as he pleaded and sat next to him. He put an arm over my shoulder and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help but smile at his action

"You know," he stated suddenly as we were both calming our nerves, " when I was younger, I uh, I used to tell my sister stories as we watched the sunset."


"That's the one."

"What was the cause for you doing such a thing?"

"Well, everytime I did there was a different reason. Some days it was to calm her after she had a nightmare, other days I did it to have an excuse to talk and bond with her." I hummed as my heart melted out of concern and admiration.

"You needed an excuse to speak with your own sister?"

"I guess it wasn't an excuse to talk to her, it was more an excuse to look at the sunset everyday."

I asked Gladio about the stories, I wanted to hear him tell me one for some reason, but I didn't know why.


I used to love seeing Iris smile and mimick the things I told her the characters did."

"What were the stories plotlines about?"

"I couldn't tell you, everyone was different, but they all had one common theme."

"What was that?"

"I was a Knight and Iris was the queen. I was the best damn Knight ever, she always ended in the story without a scratch." I smiled at him, the adorable bond between him and his sister was truly a thing I loved hearing about.

The best damn Knight ever? My smile widened without me being able to stop it.

"I believe it." I said without thinking. I looked back at the sunset to hide whatever blush might've appeared on my face. After a couple moments of us mindlessly watching all the colors dance and darken in the sky, Gladio rested his head on top of mine. I was so over run by happiness, I forgot my main duty, the reason we were sent outside of the crown city in the first place.

"Oh, dear, I have to go check on Promto and Noct." I told Gladio slowly retracting away from him. Gladio hummed annoyed, but didn't prevent me from leaving.

I walked along the pier in a quick pace. I checked in and walked up to the door, putting my ear against it so I didn't end up walking in on something I didn't want to see... Again. To my luck, they were just playing their game. I could hear the sound effects and the clicking of the controllers. The only thing questionable were the type of insults they were throwing back. Both of them being very dirty minded.

I opened the door slowly and they both immediately looked over and paused their game.

"Whats got you in such a good mood?" Noct questioned. I didn't really want to inform them of the relations building between me and Gladio quite yet.

"Oh, nothing in particular." I said unintentionally enthusiastically. Prompto and Noct exchanged very surprised looks.

"What are those surprised looks for?" I genuinely didn't know what they were surprised about.

They answered my question by explaining how weird I've been acting. I hadn't even realized. After pointing out my odd behavior, they pointed out the one man who had made me feel less than odd; Gladio.

"I think I know why you're so happy! Where's Gladio?"

My eyes widened and I quickly averted my gaze. My smile had returned and embarrasingly for me, blush had came along with it.

"Aww, did he get into your heart, Iggy?" Noctis just started laughing madly at Promto's serious, yet light-hearted question. I kept looking away, his question had caused my face to get even redder.

"Did he get inside something else of yours too, Iggy?" Noct asked in a clearly comedic manner. Immediately an image flashed of the Crown-City-Creepster and my face flushed into something it never had been before that I could recall. Both Noct and Prompto leaned back out of surprise.

"That obsurd! Of course we didn't do anything of that sort. We are not in the type of relations that you two are." The first part of the diolauge I said of impulse of the horrors returning, the last part I said making sure they knew I was aware of their engagement to each other.

"You can't say you haven't considered it though. I've seen the way you stare at him." Noct voice was very matter of factly. I had to stifle the smile from returning. I hadn't realized, or put very much though, into THAT aspect of what was blooming between the two of us. I sort of subconsciously ignored the... Sexual tension between us.

I looked over Noct and Prompto one last time before I slowly turned and took my leave. My mind overflowing with innocent, and not-so innocent, images and questions. I covered my mouth to stop myself from verbalizing what I was pondering. The happy people of the Galdin Quay did not need to hear about my hopeful upcoming homosexual adventures.

I walked mainly silently back over to where me and Gladiolus were eyeing the sunset. As I got closer to the rock, I noticed something off. He had changed his appearance via h ais clothes. When I left he had been wearing his casual clothes with the tank top and his leather jacket, but now, there was no jacket, there was no tank top. He was essentially dressed as if he was on his way to sleep. I felt my face heat up like it had infront of Prompto and Noctis. I had to force my eyes to look towards his so my eyes didn't float where they didn't need to. This wasn't the first time I have seen his abdominals, as his typical wear showed a great deal of his abdomen, however it did catch me off guard.

"Welcome back, Iggy. I thought you forgot about me." He let out a chuckle. A smile painted itself back onto my face.

I walked over to where Gladio sat and sat down back next to him. He put his arm back around me, and gave the same quick kiss he did earlier. I found my arms snaking around him and locking him in a tight embrace as we sat there peacefully. My heartbeat was the only other sound outside of the nature around us.

-To Be Continued-

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