Heating Up the Water

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-Noctis POV-

I struggled to get good sleep because of numerous things, the main being the terrible nightmares I was getting. The nightmares were like the flashes I got with my headaches, however they were longer. Torture.

I woke up suddenly struggling to breathe. My entire body was drenched in sweat, my muscles ached from the battles and dreams. I shook my head and looked around to see everyone else still asleep. It was an hour before eight, the usual time we get up. I took a deep breath and slowly took the blankets off and got out of the tent.

I wasn't fully sure what I was gonna do, but I do remember seeing a waterfall nearby. The weather here was always nice, so I decided, hey, why not? And headed towards the sound of the fall. The walk was relaxing, I wasn't a nature coneseur or whatever, like Gladio, but the mainly silent land besides the sound birds and rushing water hit different. Even the biggest outdoor despising people couldn't deny the beauty of the area.

I walked down a trail and just like I had thought, a water fall appeared after I rounded a bend. I looked around for anything but nothing in particular and then started taking off my clothes. I took off my shirt and boots, then proceeded with my socks, belt, pants, and inevitably my boxers.

The breeze hit my naked body in a way that caused goosebumps to form. It was chilly breeze, but the sun that was shining made it not so cold I... shrunk. With that useless thought in mind, I shook my head and slowly waded into the water.

The water was just as enjoyable as the weather. It was slightly on the colder side, but once again the sun made up for it. I walked over to a rock that was underneath the fall and stood there for a minute letting the water drench my body. For the first time in a while I felt at peace. The first non-daemon related image that popped my head for the first time in a long time as well. Oddly enough, it was Prompto.

I smiled thinking about him and the good times we've had. The lengthy gaming sessions we used to have when duty didn't call. I thought about the food fights we'd have that pissed Iggy right off. Another memory I forgot, the first time we got involved. My smile got even bigger thinking about that. We were both sixteen or seventeen, one of those, neither one of us experienced. It was awkward, but it was overall beneficial. I say first time, because we definitely didn't stop after the first time, we both enjoyed the thrill of trying new things, and we also enjoyed the secracy of the whole ordeal. Even Ignis didnt know of me and Prompto's encounters, so Promto thought.

Thinking back on those eventful times brought a certain part of me alive and the rush of blood cause me to snap out my trance. To my surprise, the one guy I was thinking about was right there.

"Prompto!" I yelled suddenly ducking behind the rock I was previously next to.

"Uh N-Noct!" He yelled nervously back while blushing and turning around.

"You... I... How long have you been there?" I questioned curiously not actually caring too much.

"Um..." His voice cracked and I couldn't help but just enjoy the sight of a flustered Prompto. We remained silent for a second, before I laughed thinking of a hilarious prank. I decided while he was already jumpy it would be great. He started to turn his head in my direction so I warped behind him.

"N-Noct?" He questioned genuinely terrified. I replied simply by squeazing his shoulder hard. He jumped a good foot or two in the air and let out the girliest scream I've ever heard.

"That not funny!" He said resulting in me letting out a chuckle.

"And neither is you gawking at me like a creep." I said in a serious tone jokingly.

He very obviously looked me up and down and then back into my eyes. His eyes were really big and he was reacting as if he's never seen me like this before.

"Why are you looking at me surprised? It's not the first time you've seen me naked." I said straight up causing him to blush.

"I... I wasn't expecting it." He said softly.

"Are you glad you have though?" I asked without thinking. He didn't say anything he just looked away.

I lightly put my hand in his chin and turned his head to look at me again. I kept my hand in his chin and looked into his baby blue eyes. I looked back and fourth between his eyes and his lips before I placed a gently kiss on them. His face went from one of shock into one of pure happiness. He then took both of his hands and pulled me into another not so gentle kiss. We proceeded to make out for a good five minutes before deciding on moving to the next step. I quickly ripped if his clothes with the aid of him and then drug him to the rock by the fall. He gasped at the water hitting his skin. I pushed him up against the rock and started toying with the skin on his neck that I remembered to he quite sensitive. He whimpered at my action and wobbled a little. Ive barely even started and he's already weak at the knees, he must've been wanting this for a while, I thought to myself as I left a hickey right below his jawline.

I rubbed my hands down along Prompto's tiny frame. I tugged his member a little immediately causing it to spring right up. I smiled against his skin then moved my hand to his ass and pulled him closer. He whimpered again making me want to just absolutely wreck him, but I held back.

"You aren't ready for this." I whispered into his ear.

"That's what you think." He replied. I left one more mark and then lifted him onto the rock. He laid back looking up at me with an oddly innocent look. He spread his legs automatically and I sat in between them. I took a moment to admire the beauty I was looking at. His face went red again.

I shot him a smile and then licked a line up his abdomen from his v-line. Placing a couple of kisses on his neck, and then on his lips.

"N-Noct... Please." He begged desperation very notable in his voice.

I put one of my hands on his neck, and then let the other one explore his body. I tugged on his now throbbing member once again, resulting in a quiet moan. I kept moving down between his legs to his mainly untouched hole. I was plesantly surprised to find that he was not lying about being ready, his hole was slicked up, just ready for me to be inside again.

I stuck my finger in dryly resulting in him gasping.

"Still just as tight as the first time." I said looking up at him. He took his hand and covered his face. I quickly used the hand that was on his neck to remove his hand.

"Hey, I want to see your face as I absolutely overload you with satisfaction." I said causing him to gulp. I looked away from his face and back to his awaiting hole. I inserted a second finger and thrusted them in and out. He squirmed at the sudden rapid movements inside if him. He hummed happily.

"And we're just getting started."

-To Be Continued-

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