Closed Book

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-Prompto POV-

Dang, Iris hasn't changed one bit! I thought to myself as I looked around the small store in hammerhead. We were set to meet up with Iris in Cape Caem, but we all had mutually agreed that procastination was a slang for waiting for the time to come. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Iggy lead Gladio off somewhere. It was raining surprisingly and I couldn't even think about what Iggy had planned. After hearing about his attack, I didn't see it being anything ludicrous.

After doing a third lap around the store I decided to  go somewhere else. The only two places with roofing was Takka's Pit Stop and Cindy's garage. She was probably busy so I decided to go to Takka's instead. I chose to go to Takka's also due to not wanting to embarrass myself in front of the cute girl. I couldn't deny how pretty she was, she really brought out the straight part of my bisexuality.

I shook my head and smiled as I entered the restaurant. It was pretty empty in there, but the energy was still lively, it was nice.

"Hey, Prompto." I heard Noct voice.

I looked in the direction and smiled even wider seeing my favorite olive skinned, Raven haired, emo prince. I practically skipped over to him. I sat down next to him and lightly tapped his shoulder as he just stared amusedly at my energy.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" He asked as he put an arm over my shoulders.

"Oh, you know, just thinking about myself." He snickered.

"Yeah, when I think of you it lifts my mood too." He mirrored my smile and I gave him a hug to show my gratitude. He removed his arm from my shoulder and relaxed his face to it's emotionless expression. He looked down at the table and put his hands, one on top of each other, and bounced his legs a little.

"Are you... Ok?" I asked noting his obvious anxiety.

"I'm... Thinking."


"You." My eyes widened slightly.

"Me? Why are you acting so anxious about me?"

"It's not anxiety, it's worry."

"You're worried about me?" I didn't know why, I haven't been acting too awfully different then I usually did.

"Why wouldnt I be worried about you. Ever since that one day at Galdin Quay. The one where you had the nightmare, and we saw that mysterious man. The man who tried and succeeded once at attacking Iggy, you've been acting odd." I sucked my lips in and nodded slowly. Apparently I was being too obvious with my stress.

"I, I have been?" I played dumb.

"Both of you two have been. Iggy and you, you both have been just weird. Iggy I can guess, but you... I don't know. You're typically readable like a book, but you've closed the book so I can't enjoy the story, ya know?" I looked away from him as my heart sped up.

Iggy told his secret, but I can't even believe mine myself to even think of telling them quite yet. Not here not now. We're on the way to Noct wedding, I can't just say casually, oh I'm an MT by the way, dude. Hope you don't mind. I was designed to kill you but haven't because I was stolen from the lab. Hashtag l-o-l! Yeah no, even as a joke that'd completely ruin the mood. Noct suddenly cleared his throat and put his hand over my shoulder.

I turned my head around to look at him. He rose and lowered his eyebrows as he smirked and looked at the table.

"Wh-what?" I asked nervously at his odd reaction.

"Hashtag l-o-l?" He quoted me making my eyebrows touch my hairline.

"I- ugh. Noct, how much of that did you, how much of that did you hear?" I asked frantically.

"Huh, nothing, that's all you said anyway. Is there something I should've heard though?"

"Uh no!" He nodded as a smug look plastered his face.

My face had begone turning red. Hashtag l-o-l was so stupid what's wrong with me? I giggled and looked down to avoid his eyes. He joined in on my laughter.

After a good minute or three of laughing we both calmed. My face that was red from embarrasment, was now red from a lack of oxygen, laughing so hard at my goofiness.

We both sat down quietly. Noct knew I wasn't gonna say anymore than I did, which wasn't much. We sat quietly just enjoying being with each other. I suddenly remembered what u just thought about. We're on our way to NOCT'S WEDDING. I hadn't even thought about that. The relation that we have. How is the wedding gonna-? Will luna-? I just- oh shit! I put my hands over my mouth to hopefully stop myself from saying my thoughts out loud. I scrunched my brows as the reality of everything hit me. Noct noticed my stress and rubbed my temples gently.

"Hey, calm down, blondie." He said as he adjusted his hand from my temples to my shoulders. He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I removed my hands from my mouth and shot him a toothy grin.

Not too long after this embrace footsteps were heard and we looked up to see Iggy and Gladio.

"Iggy!" I said happily as I tried to stand up.

Before my cheeks could even leave the booth couch fully, Noct pulled my by the arm and stopped me from pouncing Ignis. I pouted and crossed my arms causing Ignis's eyes to lighten up. He looked like he was going to smile, but of course he didn't .

Him and Gladio joined us and we talked about other things we could be doing instead of sitting here. Noct reluctantly agreed to go to one of the royal tombs to get stronger and we headed out.

"Woohoo! Adventure time!" I cheered.

We all hopped in the regalia, with Ignis on the driver's seat, and then we progressed to where a dungeon was speculated to be. Talcott said there was one rumored to be behind the waterfall. Remembering what Talcott said made me wonder why we didn't go to check that out earlier, when we were closer, and didn't have to drive for six hours.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door as I slept pretty much the whole ride. I fell out of the car like Gladio had when we pulled into hammer head. The difference being I didn't have legs long enough to make the drop more of a step.

Fortunately, Noct was there and caught me before I bashed my head. I dramatically grabbed my heart and then leaned and gave Noct a tight hug.

"My hero!" I said purposefully making my voice sound feminine.

They all chuckled at my action and then we slowly went towards the waterfall.

-To Be Continued-

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