Changed Pace

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-Noct POV-

"We're here!" I repeated sternly for the forth time trying to snap Prompto out of the trance he was in.

"We have arrived at our destination." Iggy said much more calmly than I was being. I tapped Prompto's shoulder and he snapped out.

He lifted his head and hummed. I smiled at his adorableness and gave him my hand to help him get out of the regalia.

"Hmm, how interesting." Iggy said as we started walking towards the place.

"What?" I said casually in responce.

"The irony of what you just did is both amusing and opposite of the standard expectations."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What he means is, as the prince, your the one who is supposed to be escorted out of the car." Gladio chimed in.

I hummed in agreement and strolled along. We found the truck, but it was swormed by sabertusks. Easy enough, I thought with a hum.

"Anyone down for a light workout?" Gladio asked already getting out his weapon.

We all made quiet noises of consent... Er, that sounds dirty. I meant that we all were down to do it. Wait no, we like, we were all in the mood to slay some beasts with our weapons. Ah, for fuck sake, we all were in the mood to kill. Yes, a term that isn't inapropriate. Oh, I totally sound like Prompto right now. I... "Totally"? Oh I've been spending too much time with that loveable loser.

By the time I found the proper term and got my weapon out, Gladio and the others had already slayein the pack. I made a suprised face and rubbed my neck, laughing awkwardly. Gladio shrugged, Iggy glared, and prompto joined in my laughing.

"You're not required to join us in battle, though it is very much requested." Iggy said somewhat sarcastically.

"Yeah, sorry." I laughed again.

We picked up the stuff and then headed back into the Regalia. I drove again because I was just in the mood to drive, I guess. I started heading back to the vendor in Lestallum. I purposefully took a couple sharp turns flinging Ignis into Gladio and vise versa.

"This is the last time you'll drive." Gladio said jokingly reaching over and patting my head. I laughed and looked in the rear view mirror to see Iggy red faced.

"Noct. Overhead!" Gladio said suddenly as an emperial ship dropped some MTs infront of us.

"Great." I said as I kept driving.

We kept along until we reached back in Lestallum. We all hopped out and went towards the vendor. On our way to the vendor, I notice the food guy.

"Anyone else down to do some huntin'?" I asked the guys getting met with mostly nothing.

"I have no objections." Iggy responded. I hummed and walked towards the chef.

"What cans I do for y'all today?" He asked happily as we all sat down.

I asked him about available hunts and he pulled up a list. Oh, Arbas, those aren't too bad. I looked down at some of the harder hunts. Hexatoad? Is that like a Gigantoad but not? I guess we'll have to find out.

"Yeah, well take all of them." I said nonchalantly as I handed the list back to him.

"Oh, you guys must think you're tough then, eh? I wish the best." He said with a concerned and amused look on his face.

"Yep. We most certainly are." I said not as confidently as normal.

I looked around the table and saw them all staring at me with different bothered looks. Gladio's look wasn't as bothered as it was proud.

"Ah, did your balls finally drop?" He said sarcastically causing me to scowl.

"They did that a while back. Luckily they landed in Prompto." Iggy said with a knowingness in his voice and a sly smirk on his lips.

I stared blankly at him while Prompto looked embarrased based off his red face and avoidance of eye contact.

"What? How did you-? When did you-?" Prompto sheepishly started a bunch of questions but didn't get any of them out.

"My lips are sealed." Ignis said with a mischievous tone.

We entered the Regalia and I started driving us towards the hunt area for the Arbas. They were large, but not very durable, in my opinion of course. I parked on the roadside and ordered everyone out.

"Theses things are always tough to kill." Prompto stated and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"I mean, they're big, but you're quite used to taking large things, aren't you?" I said putting empasis on my words, making sure he got the double meaning. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a slight smile from Iggy, and a wide grin from Gladio. I wasn't sure if Gladio fully got what the secret ludicrous meaning was, but I wasn't about to explain either; Prompto already looked ready to shed his skin.

My smile faded as we walked up to the herd.

"Showtime." I said menacingly as I pulled out my ultima sword, which I obtained through Cid's ever so appreciated kindness.

I did a couple warp strikes here and there, as well as a couple of link strikes. I got kicked by the huge albino giraffe thingies, but got back up and with great assist from the three others, I slayed the beast.

"Was that perfect or what?" Prompto said cheerily as always.

"I gotta give it to ya." I said in responce causing him to smile wide.

I looked up at the sky and was pleasantly surprised to see it was still daylight. I started heading towards the regalia to our next available hunt.

"Onward!" Iggy piped up causing both Prompto and Gladio to jump slightly. Those two were more alike then they'd like to admit.

"What all our we event targeting, Mr. Bigshotbeastslayer?" Gladio asked me as we loaded up.

I looked at the map and paused before giving my answer.

"Killable things." I said being sarcastic back. He almost smiled but instead just shrugged and picked up his book from the side console on the door.

I saw Prompto resting his head against the passenger door, and Iggy sitting with either hand on either thigh, straight and proper, like always. His eyes glimmered in anxiousness though. We locked eyes through the rear view mirror. I mouthed an are you ok, to which he responded with a simple head nod. I didn't trust the head nod was the truth, but I didn't want to press him on something that could genuinely be nothing but my overthinking. I was talking like Prompto and worrying like Gladio, all I need now is a caffeine addiction and I'll be the perfect mess of all of them. I smiled at my own joke. No one else did because I never said it out loud.

I shook out of my thoughts and kept driving silently. I heard light snores from Prompto, and I heard the pages turning with Gladio's book, Ignis was still his dead silent self. I hummed and slowly pulled over when we were near the area. The sudden stopping of the engine caused prompto to stir, and Gladio to put his book away.

"Do we have to walk?"

-To Be Continued-

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