Prompto's Mental State

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-Noctis POV-

After that spine-tingling encounter with that man, me and Prompto proceeded with what we said we were going to.

We walked across the beach and ended on a small hill overlooking the water. There wasn't much special about the sky at the moment, the sun had already fully risen by now. I never was fond of the outdoors and nature. I didn't have a real reason for not liking it, I just never found a reason to like it, either, I guess.

"Noct?" Prompto said suddenly as we sat in silence on the hill.

"Yes, Prompto?" I questioned as if he was a kid asking his dad something for the thousandth time.

Before Prompto replied he took a deep sigh. I knew by that this was gonna get serious real quick.

"Noct..." He repeated my name sadly. I stared confusedly at him.

"Yes?" I said genuinely starting to get concerned.

"The dream I had..." He looked away from me and scrunched his brows confused as well.

"The nightmare?" I corrected.

"Y-yeah." He sighed again, his eyes were starting to gloss over. He was about to cry? Was the nightmare that scary?

"Woah. Woah. Don't cry Prompty, it couldn't of been that bad." I said pulling him closer to me and hugging him tightly. His breath wavered but no actual tears came out. He crawled into my lap and looked me into the eyes. I thought he was gonna kiss me, but he just stared.

"The, uh, was about you... Finding out." I put my arms around his waist comfortably.

"About what? We've known each other at least five years."

"Since the begining of high school." He chuckled and looked away from me yet again.

"For real though," I quickly said, " what. Was. The. Dream... About?" I asked word for word in an unintentional demanding tone. He leaned back a little. His face was one of... A lot of things.

"I'm sorry for my tone. I'm just so worried. Will you please tell me?" He gave a small smile. And leaned back in to me.

He actually went through and kissed me as if we haven't kissed in forever. I hummed happily into it. He pulled away after a couple of seconds and then remained quiet.

"Hey, that wasn't a get out of talking free pass." He giggled. And looked away once again. I was starting to get seriously frustrated, but I knew he was even less likely to talk if I pushed it. I moved one of my hands up his back and to his shoulder blades. I traced my finger over it for a while, then slowly migrated it to his broad shoulders. He tensed up for a quick second but immediately relaxed.

"You must really want me to tell you, huh?" I hummed in responce and kept rubbing his sensitive pale skin. As I rubbed his skin I felt goosebumps form.

"Are you cold?" I asked.

"No?" He replied confused.

"Why'd goosebumps just appear on your skin, then?"

"I just... I don't know why, but I just got a weird feeling."

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