Seeing the Sis

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A/n real quick cause I feel one wouldn't hurt- this is being posted later than I do in the day. Oops. Anyway, while I'm writing this I have about twenty draft waiting, so don't feel bad if I take forever to upload lol. That's all I really have to say so... Enjoy this chapter.

-Gladio POV-

Iggy's breathing was heavy and irratic. I opened my eyes slightly to see him laying with on his stomach. His glasses were firmly grasped in his hand, and looked like they were about to break.

I lifted my arm and slowly rubbed circles in between his shoulder blades. He physically tensed up, so I took it to myself to lean into him and try to calm him.

"You're ok. Shh shh, you're with me." I whispered as I planted a couple kisses on his neck.

He shifted a little and then slowly lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes were tired, he looked miserable.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him in securely. He lazily hugged back and rested his face on my bare chest. I smiled and closed my eyes.

I woke up a short while later feeling nothing in my arms. I had a mild panic, but quickly relaxed once I saw him sitting by the dead fire with a cup of his favorite drink.

"Wassup Igs?" I greeted happily as I walked over to him and hugged him.

He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled a small smile. I got a chair and sat down next to him. His eyes drifted over my exposed abdomen. I flexed a bit causing him to quickly look up to my face. His face turned red. He looked like he was gonna say something, but instead he just chuckled and looked away embarrased.

"Hey, don't be embarrased, Iggy. I know i'm- oh hold on, I'm getting a call." I picked up my phone that was vibrating in my pocket.

He looked over curiously as I put my phone to my ear. The person on the other end started talking and my heart sped up.

I stood up quickly and started drifting. Before I fully left, I put my hand on Iggy's shoulder.

"I'll be right back, you gonna be fine without my protection?" I said somewhat jokingly.

He looked me in the eyes.

"No. But I wishn't to impose." I rose an eyebrow and rubbed his shoulder sweetly.

He gave a stiff smile as I slowly walked away. I walked so I could still see them, but they couldn't see me because of the brush.

The call was about my sister, Iris. She, along with Jared and Talcott, were rescued from Insomnia. I owed Dustin and Monica more than I could say. Even better news, they were just a little north, they were in Lestallum. The place we were drifting to in the first place.

I finished up the call and jogged back to the Haven, were Noct and Prompto had woken and joined Iggy.

I informed them of the call, and our need to go to Lestallum. They agreed knowing I wouldn't let them disagree, and then I put the stuff away for us to start heading over.

I tapped my foot anxiously as Noct drove. I was anxious to see my sister's condition. I swear if she was hurt I'd end the emperial bastards myself. I was also anxious cause Noct was the one driving. He always took uneccassary and harsh turns. Ignis would be a flustered mess Everytime we exited the regalia because if Noct's wrecklessness flinging Iggy into me and vice versa.

We eventually showed up after what felt like was forever, but in reality was only two or three minutes. I practically flipped out of the Regalia. The guys stared amusedly at my urgency.

They were at The Leville, and looked relatively unharmed, though on edge.

I sped walked to Iris. Her face lit up as she saw me and the guys.

"GLADDY!" She yelled excitedly as she hugged me tightly. She was young and small, but she was strong.

I groaned as she squeezed unrealistically tighter. The guys laughed at my pain.

"You know what they say about the bond between sibling." Ignis said as Iris finally released me.

I gave Iris a wide smile. Before stepping away so she could talk to the others.

"Jared and Talcott are upstairs. Come say hi to them Noct!" She demanded in a cheery tone similar to Prompto's.

Noct looked around at us before nodding. Iris grabbed Noct by the wrist and led him upstairs with us following suit.

Talcott and Jared lit up when thet saw us, just like Iris' did. Talcott a little more being the young kid he was.

"Prince Noctis!" Talcott explained happily taking Noct from Iris and showing him around the room.

We all watched on smiling. The way Talcott got excited Everytime Noct was around was something even Iggy couldn't help but smile at and enjoy.

After a short moment we all sat around and caught up with us. They were doing well, all that was left was for us to meet at Cape Caem and hopefully get where we were going in the first damn place.

They had their own arrangements set up, so we rested up for the night and then went out own ways the next morning.

"Seeing the Sis really helped your mood, big guy." Prompto said as we headed to the Haven on wheels.

"I'm glad she's doing alright. I couldn't even say the things I'd do if I found out she got hurt doing the assault."

"Why is it that you can't?" Ignis chimed in looking over his shoulder. Noct decided Iggy could handle driving for now. I hummed before mumbling my answer.

"We'd arrive at our destination before I could finish." Iggy looked forward again and rolled his eyes into the rear view mirror.

"I am everything but doubtful of that." We started heading off in the direction of Hammerhead to do whatever.

The smile had had seemed semi-permanent. I missed my sister more than I thought. She must've missed me too. When she saw me she just... Her eyes glimmered with pure joy and relief.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I nearly fell out of the Regalia. I was leaning against it while zoning out and it opened with Prompto's as he started getting out. Noct and Prompto laughed at my embarrasment while Ignis stood in his usual serious way. His eyes were the only feature of his that showed emotion.

It suddenly started raining, causing Noct to very dramatically do a deep inhale and then say, rain, airily. Prompto quickly rushed to cover his hair and run off to shelter, though we're were under a roof already. He just wanted an excuse to check out what was in the store we've already been in a thousand times. Noct jogged off to Takka's restaurant leaving me and Ignis standing under the canopy like thing with rain sounds as the white noise.

"Do you wish to converse?" Ignis said breaking our silence.

-To Be Continued-

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