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A/n- this is the chapter where it is said what Ignis did (or tried to) while fucked up, lol. After this we'll be back on a simpler timeline.

-Gladio POV-

"Have fun." Noct said quickly as he drug Prompto out of the room. Leaving me and a uncontrollable Iggy alone.

Have fun. Have fun? Have fun! Those words ran through my mind over and over. I felt myself go numb as I just stood over Iggy. He was rolling back and forth with his limbs wailing and his mouth emmiting the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. I shook my head at my own description. They weren't beautiful... They were gorgeous. Wait...no. Forced, automated? They weren't nice, they were bad. They were bad. I had to remind myself for a good five minutes straight.

"I suggest taking those clothes off of him unless black and white polka dots are within our uniform protocol." I quoted Prompto out loud as I took a couple steps away, and then back towards Iggy.

I started off slowly but removing his glasses, wish were fogged over. His green eyes were a shade I've never seen before. They were still green, but they had a yellowy gold in them. His pupils were also diolated and his eye were clouded with desire. A desire to get it.

He swiped up at me as I took off his glasses I lurched back to avoid his attack.

"No! Bad Iggy!" I said without thinking nearly causing myself to laugh. He let out a whine.

I put his glasses on the nightstand dresser thing and then moved my attention to his shirt. I gulped before putting my fingers in the bottom of it. I could immediately feel just how warm he was, he could use his own body heat to make food for us at the moment. I attempted lifting it but it didn't move anywhere due to his body weight. I didn't want to rip it. I looked over his face while still holding onto his shirt. He was staring down at me with his face still red and sweaty.

"Oh iggy~" I cooed not knowing if it would do anything or not.

"Yes, Gladdy Daddy?" My eyes widened at the name. He's never said that before ever. That fucking drug, holy shit.

I tugged at the shirt instead of giving a verbal cue. He giggled and sat up a little for me to take it off. I slipped it off carefully and he dramatically plopped back down. He must've knew what was coming next because he undid his belt and zipper. He lifted his hips and slid the pants down a little. He pulled them to his mid thigh, and then lifted his legs for me to take them off the rest of the way. I frowned at his action. I wasn't the one who got drugged and they were ruining this for me too. I reluctantly took them off, leaving him in his boxers and socks.

I looked him over sadly trying, and failing, to not let my eyes wonder to that one place. I noticed at that point that I could see the outline of it. I hummed amusingly at it. It was admitably pretty nice from just the outline. It had good length, reasonable gurth... It was... Hey Gladio, look away right now. I shook my head and quickly looked at some random shit in the room.

He let another whimper in the otherwise silent room. I looked back down at him to see him casually rubbing along his surprisingly muscular abdomen. He traced a line down between his abs and then started playing with his nipples. I gulped again and moved over to the other bed in the room. I sat down and tried thinking of other things to make the time pass quicker. Every thought I had led back to Iggy. I suddenly snapped back into reality and looked back over at him. His hands moved from his nipples down to his southern region, he was groping himself and airily repeating a name I knew too well, as it was mine. I walked up to him slowly. He looked up at me with that pleasure contorted face. I looked away from his face and down at his hands. I sighed and removed his hands from the area. He wined at the loss. I looked up at his face as I pulled the boxers down slowly. His breathing got heavy and I looked down just in time to get an eye full of cum. I woahed and quickly wiped my face. I stared in disbelief at what just happened. I looked around for the rag and was happy to see it right infront of me. I picked it up and quickly wiped my face once more. I looked back down at what caused the mess and just stared in disbelief at the whole situation. He had an extra dagger hidden in his pants the whole time.

While I was staring, Iggy took it upon himself to remove his boxers the rest of the way. He spread his legs and laid spread eagle. he lifted his hand and gestured for me to come closer.

"No, Iggy. Your not in a good state of mind. I'm close enough."

"Please?" He said grinding his hips in a circle pattern. He rested his hands on his inner thighs, his wrist rubbing gently against his throbbing member. I took a deep breath. No. No. No. It's not him it's the drug. Don't do anything. Don't even think about doing anything. Don't anything think about do.

I stared blankly. Not knowing to do or say. He groaned and then suddenly pivoted his whole body. Before I could react he wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me in closer. My eyes widened and I reached around my back to grab his ankles and try to pull him off.

"Iggy. No!" I yelled frantically not trying to do anything I knew normal not drugged Iggy wouldn't want to.

"But...Gladdy," he groaned again," I need you~" he said the last part in a near whisper.

I was dumfounded by his plea. I remained quiet and kept struggling to get rid of his deathgrip on me before finally managing to get myself free. I grabbed his, recently unlocked from my body, legs, and spun him back around to be adjacent to the bed. He almost mediately reached back and grabbed at my belt. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly but not hard enough to hurt him. I moved his hand away from my waist slowly. He had a clearly dissapointed look on his face. After that whole thing I went back to the bed next to him. Safe distance, less temptations. Smart move, Gladio. I thought to myself.

After a couple of agonizing hours, he seemed better, although embarrased. Those were a couple of hours I'll never forget.

After talking to him for a minute and letting him get somewhat decent I told Noct and Prompto about him, and they came to see him for themselves.

Somehow, despite Iggy being sore, and Prompto and Noct doing their own thing, we all found something interesting we could all talk about. That one mysterious steampunk dressed stranger.

-To Be Continued-

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