Distraction and Attractions

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-Prompto POV-

I underestimated Iggy quite a bit. He was undeniably smart, but apparently he also has a physicue that put the royal into royal crownsguard. And to think, if I wasn't such an annoying little shit, we would live our lives not knowing that.

Me and Noct wanted to know out of curiousity, however neither one of us were sure that's all Gladio wanted to see that for.

"What are you thinking about?" Noct asked me breaking my thought process.

"Uh, not much." I replied as we walked to the little market around the corner of the hotel we stayed at.

"Oh, no Ignis?" Noct said sounding mildly concerned.

"He's around here, probably just went for a stroll to recompose himself."

"Yes, he isn't himself when he isn't abnormally formal." Noct said chuckling and scratching the back of his neck.

"If he's sticking with the no shirt rule we gave him, he's probably been taken to an alley by some hooker by now." I said causing both Noct and Gladio to look at me shocked.

"Hmm, I thought you knew  me a little better, Prompto." A voice that was undeniably Ignis said out of nowhere.

We all turned to look and it was the one and only Iggy. Shirtless and all. His pale skin literally glowed in the sunlight.

"Uh..." I said not knowing what to say.

"I have told you guys numerous times," Iggy put his hand on his hip, "I'm a royal crownsguard, I risk my life in battle with daemons, not in battles with STDs."

"I've never agreed more." Gladious said.

We all walked around a bit. Before heading out for a quest given by one of the vendors.

"Those people were staring at me like I was a freak show at a circus." Iggy said as we entered the Regalia.

"They weren't  staring they were admiring." Gladio quickly corrected.

"I do not understand why not what they were admiring. With you guys beside me, and the absolutely stunning view of the disc, it's not like they didn't have other things to indulge themselves staring at."

"I'd rather stare at you to be honest." Gladio mumbled barely loud enough to hear.

"Come again?" Iggy said.

"Huh, oh, I didn't say anything." I turned around and gave Gladio a suggestive look.

"Why do you guys keep giving me that look?" Gladio asked causing me and Noct to snicker.

"I personally have been trying to ignore looking at all of you while exposed like I am."

"Yeah, sorry for being so forceful about that." Gladio apologized while looking at the landscape around us.

"There is no need to apologize. You guys have simply added an adventure to our current adventure. Though I must say, I will not cave in to anymore of your... curiousity driven antics."

"Yeah, it was going on the verge of sexual harassment, I'm sorry about that too, Iggy." I said feeling guilty.

We went quiet for the rest of the ride to the quest area.

"Here we are." Iggy said and we all got out without saying much else.

As we were walking towards the harvest, we all spotted a group of turantulas huddled around.

"Can't we do anything without having to murder something?" I groaned as we all started prepping for what was to come.

"Well, where would the fun be in that?" Iggy said glancing over his shoulder at me. I grinned back at him. My short moment of feeling cool was broken when Noct warped suddenly, causing me to jump.

Gladio laughed at me and I sarcastically laughed back, and looked where Noct had warped. He and Ignis had  already started whooping up the over sized spiders. Me and Gladio shared a quick look and then rushed over to aid in the extermination.

While we were taking care of business Gladio got knocked down, surprising all of us as this was typically an easy target for us to kill.

"Oh, what's that about big man?" I said mockingly as I helped him up.

"I was blinded by the light." He said back and I knew what he really meant by that.

"Was the light named Ignis?" I said resulting in him punching me in the arm, then rushing back to get rid of the last of the spiders.

We finally cleared out the spiders after a little struggle.

"We all have our ups and downs." Iggy said as he walked over to Gladio and gently rubbed a circular pattern on his back. Gladious chuckled awkwardly with his face turning a little red.

"Aww, is the big man blushing?" I said resulting in his blush getting deeper.

"No, shut up." He said stiffly causing me to holler. I took a quick pic of Gladio's blushing face, and then Noct led us back towards the Regalia.

"Hey Iggy, you've been driving alot lately, how about I take it from here?" Noct said as we were at the doors of it.

"I will only take over if you request I drive again."

"I call shotgun!" I chirped knowing they weren't and never were gonna argue.

"Yes, keep the routine relatively rythmic." Iggy chirped back in his formal way.

We hopped in the Regalia and made our way back to lestallum.

"Blinded by the light?" I laughed to myself.

"Hey, I told you to shut up." Gladio said obviously embarrassed.

"I don't know what light could of blinded you, it is rather dim outside currently." Ignis said being either a fantastic actor, or a very naive super genious.

"The only thing that caught his eye was probably-" Noct started.

"No. Shut your mouth, both of you." Gladio cut him off desperately.

"Hey that is a very weird way of talking to royalty." Noct said jockingly in a serious tone.

"Oh, my apologies, your majesty." Gladio sarcastically replied taking on a voice similar to Ignis's normal one. We all laughed except for Ignis who remained his usual stone faced self.

"C'mon Iggy, lighten up a bit." Gladio said punching Ignis's bare shoulder similar to the way he did mine, but lighter.

"Well..." Iggy said rubbing his shoulder, "I've been stripped of my clothes already, that is enough change for one day, I personally feel." Iggy crossed his arms.

"It is a nice change..." Gladio said softly resulting in Ignis giving him a side eye.

-To Be Continued-

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