About Him...

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-Iggy POV-

Shortly after a very awkward conversation between me and the guys, we were at a equally awkward silence.

"While we were walking along the pier..." Prompto stated randomly, filling the air with a much needed diologue, "me and Noct encountered a weird man." Noct hummed in agreement. A weird man? I thought curiously to myself.

"A weird man?" Gladio said my thoughts exactly.

"Yeah, everything about him. He dressed steampunk, and had dark redish-pink hair." My eyes widened at the description.

That's... That's what he looks and dresses like. Noct looked over and noticed my shocked expression.

"Iggy?" He questioned not sure of what he should ask.

"Y-yes?" I questioned back, urging him to carry on. My face remained that shocked expression. I hadn't realized how terrified I was until this moment.

"Is- The man- Is that description the same as the man who attacked you?" My face still had not changed.

"That... I-" I suddenly started choking on my words. My eyes were starting to water. I quickly put my hands over my face to stop myself from sobbing. I should tell them about him...

As I put my hands over my face the room went mostly quiet. I felt arms wrap around me comfortably. I quickly recognized them as the uniquely built Gladiolus's. I almost smiled at the sudden physical contact.

"Never again..." He whispered into my ear quoting his words from earlier. Despite the reassurance, a tear streamed along my face.

"I-Iggy?" I heard prompto question across the room, followed by hastey footsteps.

The bed I was laying on suddenly shifted and I felt a second pair of arms wrap themselves around my abdomen gently. I peeked through the gap in-between my fingers to see Prompto looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. I let out a quiet groan and removed my hands from my face. I place one of my hands on Prompto's back, and the other around Gladio.

"Thanks for the comforting, it is sincerely appreciated." I smiled sadly at the two men hugging me.

I looked around the room and saw Noct standing with his arms crossed at the end of the bed. He had a small smirk on his lips. After a minute of us quietly resting in each other's embrace, we all pulled away.

"That Man..." I said quietly with my heart speeding up.

"Wh-what about him?" Prompto asked as he sat Criss cross next to me. I looked at the other guys and they had the same interested look.

"He..." I slowly started propping myself up on my elbows. I groaned lowly as I was still sore.

Gladio noticed my struggle and helped me with he same gentleness he always used with me. He propped me up straight and sat besides me supporting my body. He held one of my hands while using his other hand to comfortably rub my back. I looked around once more and no one was moving or doing anything. They were all just waiting for me to say what I should've long ago.

I cleared my throat and gulped before taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

"I've had a previous... encounter... with that man." I kept my eyes closed as I carried on, " It happened two years ago, in the garden. I was minding my own business when suddenly I was stuck from behind. I was absolutely dumbfounded as I had done not one thing to make one hate me so. Well, I found out quickly they didn't hate me per se, they proved that when they... When they..." I started trailing off. And opened my eyes.

Once again none of them had moved. They were all statue-esque with concern overriding their demeanors. Gladio's demeanor also held a large fraction of anger.

"What... What. Did. They. Do?" Noct seemed hesitant to ask. I took in a Shakey breath before I reluctantly answered his question.

"They. Or he... Assaulted me."

"Like, with what? How?" Noct urged me gently.

I turned to Gladio who was looking down sadly.

"Well..." I crossed my ankles, "he... Think about the drug he got me with today. I don't, or can't, say it myself." I frowned instantaneously and looked at my recently crossed ankles.

"He... Sexually assaulted you?" Noct questioned. I didn't say anything.

"Iggy. Did he?" Prompto chimed it with his voice completely serious, unlike it typically was. I looked up and over at him. His usually Bright eyes were dim and glossy.

I hummed and nodded, with tears threatening to return. They all made sounds of their own and then came closer and hugged me again. The difference being Noct joining in.

"Aww, Iggy..." Prompto said squeezing me extra tightly.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Noct asked as he jokingly left a kiss on my cheek. I smiled wide at his action.

"You didn't need a distraction preventing you from honing your skills."

"You mysteriously disappearing wasn't any better." I shook my head.

"I also didn't need the whole kingdom to gain awareness of my encounter."

"what? I wouldn't of-"

"I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about lippy." I said jokingly rubbing Prompto's hair.

"Hey!" He said offensively. I giggled as I looked at the amazing people around me.

-The End-


A/n- There's alot of things I have thought of that I could add to this story. Some minor, some major: Either way, i'm planning on making things interesting. This was the introduction of the good stuff, lol. If you have ideas or setting along those lines, my dms are open, my comments are open, and overall I'm available for communication.

Also, while Iggy is curing up of his soreness, after his confession there's nothing really left to say (heh, let's go with that) so I'm using this a/n to make my self made thousand word minimum per chapter rule. Skip past if you feel like it. La di da. More words. more words. A meme reference. And now well end at one thousand and exactly ten. Well that's wrong, I have to add the, "-To Be Continued-". Hmm. Yee.

-To Be Continued-

There are no Easter eggs, go to the next chapter.

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