What to Eat?

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-Ignis POV-

I didn't feel as odd as I thought I would. I still absolutely dispised the lack of coverage. Everywhere we went there were just an obnoxious amount of eyes piercing right through me. Not to mention, it was much colder than I'd like, at least it was cold when we were strolling in the regalia. My skin was covered in goosebumps from the chill I was given. I am not one to complain, so I kept my trapt shut and left the complaining to Prompto.

"Where we headed?" Gladio asked taking me out of my thought bubble.

"We're headed all the way to the galden quay." Noct replied.

"Oh, long drive." Gladio's tone was excessively flat. It was apparent his worries were elsewhere. Understandably so, it was going to be dark sooner than later, daemons are no joke.

"I'm gonna drive as far as I can, if your fortunate we'll be stuck camping."

"Hey, camping isn't that bad."

"Yeah, sure." Noctis chuckled at himself for a reason I couldn't pinpoint.

After that short diolog, we all went back to our previous comfortable silence.

During the ride I felt eyes on me, similar to how I felt at lestallum. I shifted a little in my seat and made myself smaller to cover up more without making it too obvious. We were about half way to the galden quay, before it was too dark for us to safely travel.

"Pardon me noct, but it is quite dangerous at night, you should be taking us to a suitable place for rest." Noct looked at me through the rear view mirror and hummed. I nodded my head slowly and sat back in my seat. Not too much longer he pulled into an area that was a mere two hundred feet from a Haven. If felt the energy shift in the Regalia.

"Oh, camping!" Gladious exclaimed happily as we started walking towards the area.

I heard Prompto and noctis groan, but I remained silent, just pondering at the darkness around us.

"Hmm, I could crash right here." Noct said causing a quick muscled memory response from me.

"You can remain awake long enough to eat." He looked at me and groaned again.

I looked at Gladio and he was staring blankly at something in the distance. I walked towards him cautiously and gently squeezed his shoulder. His head whipped in my direction and I quickly removed my hand from his being.

"Are you all alright?" I asked genuinely concerned.

He stared at me for a second with out saying anything. I felt myself get warm, not physically as much as... I'm not even sure. We locked eyes for a certainly unusual amount of time. My heart sped up like it had last night when... Me and him got close...

"Uh, guys, it's late. Eat and sleep hours? Guys!" I heard Prompto yell causing both me and Gladio to snap out of the trance we were both stuck in.

We gave each other another quick look before going to help set the tent and other important items up.

Once we got everything set up and we got the fire going, I stood beside the table we set up and started thinking about the big question. What shall we dine on during this lovely evening?

As I was looking around our supplies I got the eerie feeling if being watched once more and hastily snapped out of my concentration to look around. Prompto and Noctis were chatting away happily, meanwhile, that same odd stare was painted on Gladious's face. I shook my head quickly, thinking that my eyes had just been diseiving me, but his stare hadn't changed. I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked down, then slowly pivoted toward the task at hand.

What to eat? What to eat? The question repeated in my mind numerous times before I finally decided on some meat wraps. They were a favorite of one certain prince.

I finished up the simpler of dishes, and served it to everyone.

"Oh, meat wraps! You need to make these more often, Iggy." Noctis said as I handed him his dish. I gave a small smirk.

"I'll make it more if you benefit from consuming it. I'm trying to strengthen you, not fatten you." Prompto laughed at my comment whilist Noct gave him a harsh look.

I handed a dish to Prompto and turned to hand Gladious his. To my surprise, he wasn't even present.

"Oh dear." I said looking around the camp and still not seeing him.

Noct and Prompto looked around like I had and all started getting worry some like I was.

"Gladio..." Noctis questioned airily.

"How did we not notice him disappear?" Prompto questioned curiously.

"He was just here not four minutes ago." I said with my breath hitching embarrassingly.

As I was doing one last scan of the area I noticed some movement in the darkness about five hundred feet from camp. I let out a sigh and hastily put the two plates on the table. I jogged over to the movement stupidly, hoping I wasn't rushing straight for a daemon unprepared.

"Ignis!" I heard Noctis and Prompto yell after me, but I was too worried to turn back.

As I got closer to the movement, the movement got faster and further away.

"Gladious!" I yelled hopeful and started to speed up myself. I didn't enjoy running, but I had to do what I had to do if it accomplished a goal.

After a good ten minutes or so of constant running, I felt perspiration accumulate on my forehead.

"Wh-why are... You... Running?" I yelled out breathlessly slowing down from fatigue. I noticed the figure I was chasing had slowed too.

"B-because." I heard the voice yell back just as tired, if not moreso than I was.

"My question doesn't sound that complex, but its answer does need be." I knew by the voice, and the fact I wasn't being put on defence, that the figure was infact Gladious.

"I... Would... Give... A... Better... Answer... But I... But I..." He was completely gasted. I took a couple of cautious steps toward him.

"You can't think of the proper words?"

"Y-yes." I furrowed my eyebrows once more and tilted my head slightly. The moonlight was the only thing that made it possible to see in the slightest.

The light wasn't enough to make a crystal clear image, the type i strive for, but I could get the general idea.

"You've been distraught all day. Since a couple weeks after we left the crown city, actually." I said reading his facial expressions to the best of my abilities, "I want to know what is going on with you." I said demandingly, yet welcomingly.

I heard him take a deep breath, then waited for words next.

-To Be Continued-

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