Iggy's Secret

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-Ignis POV-

I was resting peacefully when I suddenly was woken by the sound of a scream in the distance. I refused to open my eyes and get up, but I didn't refuse to ponder what the sound could of been.

"What the hell was that" Gladiolus mumbled tiredly.

"I'm not sure." I said simply, tired as well. He hummed.

"Ugh, why are you so so fucking smart?" He groaned rolling over and putting his arm over my body. Gerrimiahchael is me. I rose my eyebrows and turned my head to look at him. He looked exactly like he did back at the hotel in lestallum that one night. It was the one time his face didn't have a distinct emotion. He didn't look, happy, sad, angry, or anything else. He looked at peace.

After a couple minutes of the silence, Gladiolus's breath had slowed again, and an occasional snore escaped his being.

A smile appeared on my face that I couldn't remove.

I laid there completely still. I opened my eyes finally, and noticed the absence of two important people. Well, actually, one important person, and Prompto. I chuckled mentally at my own joke.

Gladiolus shifted resulting in a certain appendage of his proding into me. My eyes widened and I quickly jolted away.

"Huh?" He said lifting his head and looking over at me, "Iggy? Are you alright?" I looked down at him with my heart beating rapidly.

The proding, though accidental, had triggered a memory I wish I could forget.

"Well, I would say yes to avoid conflict..." I started, resulting in him immediately becoming alert, "...but I feel like we have a mutual amount of trust..."

-Enter Flashback-
*(rape warning)*
-Ignis POV (still)-

It was an absolutely lovely day. The sun that was warming up the land was accompanied by a breeze that made the hot 98 degree day much more enjoyable.

I walked through the garden, per usual when I'm not directly requested, looking for some ingredients and admiring the beauty of nature. Unusual for my trips in the garden, I was suddenly hit from behind with tremendous force, resulting in me flinging into a nearby flower bed. My glasses were also flung by the hit. I reached out to get them but was hit again for some reason. I didn't know who or what was hitting me, but I knew I hadn't done anything too extraordinarily hateable.

The person, whoever they were, sat on top of the middle of my back, preventing me from getting up. They took my glasses and threw them across the length of the flower bed.

"I beg your pardon?" I said trying to keep my composure, but knowing I failed that task.

"Shut up." The person, I now knew was another male, said wrenching my arms behind my back and tying them together.

I squirmed from under the guy, hoping the slightest for anything good to happen. I was excessively intelligent, not excessively strong.

"What are you doing? Unhand me!" The guy hit me once again, this time in the back of the head, resulting in me getting a faceful of dirt.

He grabbed a handful of my neatly made hair and pulled it roughly. I winced.

"If your smart like everyone says you are, then you'll shut up and stop resisting."

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