That Man, Again?

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-Prompto POV-

Me and Noct settled on doing some nature watching or whatever it's called. It was weird that we picked that, since neither of us really enjoyed the outdoors that much. Something even weirder happened as we were on our way.

Me and Noct noticed an out of place man. His hair was like a dark redish pink. He wore steampunk like clothes, and overall had an evil presents about him.

"Oh, pardon me, I have no intention of disturbing you. I just have to say, I quite admire you choice of apparel." The man said after he freaked me out into asking him what's up.

"Thank you..." I looked over his odd style "I like your style too!" It wasn't a lie, his style was interesting, the lie was the enthusiasm in my voice.

The man bowed at my compliment. I tried really hard to stop myself from scrunching my brows. He looked up from his bow and had a terribly unsettling look on his face. His mouth was a smirk, his eyes glimmered with something I couldn't explain. I felt my heart beat speed up and a bubble appeared in my throat. I looked over an Noct and he looked uneffected.

Before anything else was said, Noct gave the man a stuff smile and then took my hand and dragged me along the pier.

"Did you notice the strange vibes of the man too?" I whispered into Noct's ear hopefully.

"Yeah..." He whispered back matter-of-factly,"He was definitely trouble. Stay on guard if we cross paths again." I hummed I agreement. He wasn't one I want to be loose around.

After that short convo we went silent again and started walking in a direction. I trusted Noct and didn't ask where he was leading us. I suddenly remembered my dream. He was taking me in a random direction, silently. The good difference that I noticed, his eyes weren't cold at all, he was still just Noct. I smiled at that fact. He kept walking for a short while and we ended on a hill overlooking the Galdin Quay. It was... nice. Despite the amazing view and the other distractions around me, I still couldn't think about the dream

"Noct?" I blurted as me and him sat down.

He looked at me with his face blank.

"Yes, Prompto?" He asked sounding annoyed.

Him sighing annoyed made me think back to my dream once again. Should I tell him? Is now a good time? Should I wait and tell the group? I took a sigh and continued again.

"Noct..." I said sounding sadder than I intended.

"Yes?" He sounded serious and worried.

"The dream I had..." I scrunched my eyebrows not sure how to say what I wanted to.

"The nightmare." Yes, that want really a dream, dreams are supposed to be nice.

"Y-yeah." I studdered nervously and sighed again.

"Woah. Woah. Don't cry Prompty, it couldn't of been that bad." He said pointing out my eyes that started getting watery.

He pulled me into a tight embrace. My voice wavered from the anxiousness that was starting to consume me. I took it upon myself to crawl into his lap. It calmed me a little.

"The nightmare was about you... Finding out." I still couldn't get myself to say it. I barely believed it myself.

"About what? We've known each other at least five years."

"Since the begining of highschool." I chuckled at the memory. I got a gut feeling of something bad and looked in the direction of it.

I was happy and dissapointed when I was nothing out of the ordinary.

"For real though," he quickly spat out, " what. Was. The. Dream... About?" His voice deepened and was very demanding. I leaned back a little out of fear.

Damn, I get scared way too easily, wuss, that's what Gladio would say. After a couple second Noct demeanor went back to his gentler one.

"Sorry for my tone. I'm just so worried. Will you please tell me?" He reassured desperately. A small smile appeared on my lips and I leaned back into him.

In one smooth transition I went into kissing him. It wasn't like we haven't done it before, but it has been a while. Yeah, twelve or so hours is alot, right? Whatever, it momentary put us both at peace.

I pulled away after short moment and a toothy grin was prominent on Noct's face. I shot him the same smile back, with a blush, that was becoming trademark, appearing on my face.

"Hey, that wasn't a, get out of talking free pass." I giggled and looked back over as the gut feeling returned.

I wasn't sure If I was hallucinating or not, but... I saw him. Him being the man we bumped into. The guy was smirking while staring at us. He had his arms folded and was leaning against the trail of the peer. I scrunched up my brows. The eery feeling was amped up even more when the man, while still smirking, held up sigh.

*Something something* mine. I couldn't make out the words at the top as we were to far away. I suddenly felt a hand on my back and tensed up. I quickly relaxed as I realized it was Noct. He rubbed along my shoulder blades, and then slowly worked up to my shoulders.

"You really want me to tell you, huh?" I questioned as I turned my attention from the man. Noct hummed in responce. I paused before I was about to respond.

"Are you cold?" Noct asked stopping me from saying anything. I scrunched up my brows again.

"No?" I was curious to why he was asking.

"Why'd goosebumps just appear on your skin, then?" I didn't notice them.

"It's just... I don't know why, but I just got a weird feeling." I told him honestly, not having a reason to lie.


"Do you not feel it too?"

"Should I?" As he asked this I noticed some legs just behind him.

I looked up the legs to see the man, again. He wasn't two feet away. My eyes widened and I jerked back. Noct's grip released and I started rolling down the hill we were sitting on.

"Ahh!" Was all I really could say as gravity took over.

Before I knew it I reached the bottom of the hill with a loud thump. An intense pain went over my back and neck. I let out an ow as I winced and squeezed my fist tightly so I didn't yell out.

"Oh my gosh, Prompto! Are you ok?" I groaned. As he squatted next to me.

"I'm fine... I think." I genuinely wasn't sure.

"Phew. You could've gotten seriously hurt!" I love it when he went into this worried state over me. I like knowing that he cared.

He took one of my hands and helped me to my feet. He dusted off my back and whipped me around to look him in the eyes.

"I really didn't mean to roll down the hill." I said light heartedly.

"Good. Why did you jump back in the first place?" If I said why he'd think I was crazy, but I didn't want to lie to him about this.

"I saw someone." I spoke softly for whatever reason.

"You saw what?"

"I- I saw someone, dude!" I had panic in my voice despite being relatively calm.

He looked around the Galdin Quay and then turned back towards me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I took a shallow breath.

"I... I Guess not."

-To Be Continued-

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