Beauty in Nature

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-Prompto POV-

I moved my little legs faster than I ever have, and made it back to camp quicker than I expected. I was breathing heavy and tired, but heard Gladio and Iggy getting closer. I, panically whipped open the tent and jumped inside quickly closing it behind me.

I heard a groan and looked down to see Noct looking up at me frustrated. I gave a confused look.

"Your crushing my groin." He said causing me to blush and quickly get off from him.

He winced and rolled around a bit. I laughed at his pain.

"It not... Funny." He said sadly, still half asleep.

I continued laughing until I heard sound outside. The two sex-hounds were back, were in trouble.

"They're cold now." I heard Iggy say.

"That's what happens."

"I said that they were cold, not inedible." The two went quiet for a minute. Then started talking again.

I ignored them and looked over at Noct who was dozing off again.

"Hey Noct?" I whispered scooting over to him and laying on my side beside him. He turned his head and stared at me.

"What?" He whispered back coldly.

"Do you wanna see some of the shots I got today?" I hopefully asked trying to keep my voice down.

"What so special about them?"

"Oh, just look." He groaned and sat up on his elbows.

I opened my camera and went through some of the shots. The first two being the ones I got of Iggy and Gladio talking about Iggy being a perfection of a human.

Noct chuckled at the images.

"I called it." He said yawning.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, taking off my boots and laying down. I tugged on the blanket and he lazily let go of all of it that he was hogging.

I laid down dissecting everything that had gone down since yesterday and smiled to myself. I looked over at Noctis and he was staring at me too

"What?" I said with my blush returning.

"Oh, nothing." He said looking away and blushing like I was.

He rolled into his side and after not to long fell asleep. He didn't snore too loudly, but a very quiet whistle came out. My staring was stopped by the opening of tent.

Gladio looked over at a sleeping Noct and made an oh face. He scooted to the other end of the tent and Iggy came into the tent as well. The tent looked small but had a surprising amount of space. Well, it definitely helped that neither me or Noct were exactly large people.

"Pardon me for running off." Iggy whispered to me. I just shrugged.

"I guess I'm the one who should apologize. He wouldn't of ran off if he wasn't trying to get me." Gladio said guilt riding in his voice.

"I'm not bothered. You guys didn't need to apologize at all." I tried to both if them, closing my eyes.

"Ah, that is apparent, but it is just said out of good nature." I nodded with my eyes still closed. I could hear some shifting from what I assumed was Iggy and Gladio taking off their footwear. The conversation I overheard appeared in my mind and I couldn't help but smile madly.

After not too much longer I had fallen asleep completely.

After a really good night of sleep, I heard the tent open. Oh, Iggy's up, it must be about that time, I thought while keeping my eyes shut.

I rolled over and got an odd feeling of loneliness. I patted the area next to me and my eyes shot opened. No Noct?! I thought panically. I looked over and saw both Iggy and Gladio still asleep. He's never up first! He's never up first. Where the heck is he?

My heart started beating faster. I flung the blankets off of me and tried as quietly and quickly to open and leave the tent. Noct wasn't around the fire or anywhere in the camp from what I could see.

"Noct?" I whispered softly trying not to wake the two men in a platonic relationship that is platonic.

"Noct?" I repeated a little louder so if he was around he could hear.

Out of the silence of nature, I heard a humming, a whistle. I thought it was the birds at first, however the whistling had a pattern that I recognized as a song. I wasn't sure what song it was, but it definitely wasn't a pattern birds hum in.

I walked in the direction of the humming. I knew I was going the right way because the sound got louder. As the sound got louder, another sound got louder, running water? If that's the waterfall then I must have supersonic hearing. Humming would get drowned out by the waterfall, or something like that. That's what Iggy would tell me anyway.

I progressed slowly like I had last night. As I was walking I noticed something that cause me to raid my eyebrows. Noct's jacket, shirt, and the rest of his clothes were laid across a rock. I looked around the rock and saw no other thing of his besides around. I hesitated before walking forward on the trail a little more. I walked a little less carfully knowing that the water would cover a majority of the sounds.

I walked barely fifety feet before I saw something that made me freeze in shock. Noct was standing, completely nude, by a rock underneath the water fall. I stood there with my mouth a gap and my eyes buldging out of my head.

"N-noct?" I said dreamily, moving toward him without realizing.

He was staring blankly in a random direction. The water appeared to fall slowly over his body. His skin literally glowed. His abdomen was tone to a reasonable level. His physicue was best described as realistic. As royalty he didn't need to train 6 hours a day. His hair was drenched, and it was more in his face than it typically was. His face itself was fierce in a mysterious way, and his eyes were full of wonder.

His overall image was one that was simply put as attractive.

"Prompto!" He yelled suddenly ducking behind the rock he was previously just standing next to.

I jumped slightly and shook my head. I look back over to him and blushed deeply turning around.

"Uh... N-Noct!" I studdered out, still flustered about the view I just got of... Everything.

"You... I... How long have you been there?"

"Um..." My voice cracked and my face got even redder.

There was a silence, before suddenly, laughing. I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked over my shoulder. To my surprise, Noct had completely disappeared. My eye widened once again, and my heart started beating rapidly out of freight.

"N-Noct?" I yelled out, not getting a verbal answer, but instead getting squeezed on my shoulder.

I jumped again and let out a very girly scream. The person, who happened to be Noctis, laughed hysterically.

"That's not funny!" I said like he had the night previously.

"Yeah, and neither is you gawking me like a creep." He said semi-jokingly. I stopped smiling and quickly looked him up and down.

Ah, still naked, nice. Wait... I gulped and quickly shifted me eyes to his. He was giving a menacing smirk.

I inhaled deeply, I don't know what he was about to do, but it couldn't be anything good.

-To Be Continued-

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