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-Gladio POV-

I stared amusedly at Iggy as he laid comfortably in the tub. He was tense, probably from me walking in randomly, but I had to pee damnit.

I looked at him without much thought his back was more muscular than expected, though it wasn't quite mine. His skin was even everywhere, though there was a faint line that when down the entirety of his back. It was a scar? Where did he get- oh. I frowned thinking about it. Ignis slowly turned his head towards me and I just gave a silent greeting. And then turned back to my dick and continued doing what my bladder yelled at me to do.

I finished and zipped up. I then turned back towards Iggy who physically relaxed. He looked at me curiously as I closed the toilet lid and then looked at him one last time.

"I'm sorry, Iggy." I said as I flushed.

He hopped up and dashed quicker than he'd ever. Unfortunately he slipped and landed with a thud. I laughed at his dismay. I stopped laughing when I saw his features. He was red and look like he was either gonna kill me or himself.

I walked over and offered him a hand. He glared and stood up straight. My breath hitched slightly and I looked him up and down. Water dripped from his hair down his abdomen in slow motion. I followed the bead of water down to his crotch. I immediately realized what I was staring at at quickly looked back up at his face. I didn't know what to say and simply smiled. His face got even redder and he quickly covered himself up. I wanted to laugh, but he was already embarrased. I didn't need to make him self conscious after taking my reaction the wrong way.

I exhaled calmly and reached up. I ran my hand through his hair.

"You're blocking the door." I said though he wasn't genuinely. He sighed and moved to the side.

Before I left I looked him over again. I licked my lips subconsciously eliciting a smile from him. I then turned my head and left.

I walked out and was met with Noct and Prompto taking a selfie. I walked over and sat down. We were playing poker and I was going to win. I had to pee, and I got to see Iggy like that so I won in a different way. I chuckled and shook the thought of Iggy out of my head and continued the game.

Iggy came out of the bathroom ten-ish minutes later and joined our group.

After awhile he forced us all to go to sleep for tomorrow and we all did without argument.

"So... When do we head to Cape Caem?" Prompto asked as we all stopped shuffling.

"We're waiting for Iris' word." I smiled at Iggy's mentioning of my sister's name.

"Ah." Was the last thing said before silence.

I sneakily, more or less, put an arm over Ignis' waist. He hummed quietly and scooted a closer. I smiled wide and he rolled to face me. I opened my eyes and stared at him. I stared mindlessly forever, until I finally got myself to close my eyes and sleep.

I woke up with no one next to me, big surprise.

I looked across the room and noticed something weird. Where I typically would find Noct and Prompto, I only found Prompto. I quietly took the blankets off of me and looked around the room. Yeah, neither one of them were here.

My breath hitched as I thought about the last time Iggy left on his own. I have to find him. The prince too, he's never up early. He never leaves Prompto. So many thing we're different and I didn't like it. I thought about Prompto's well being, for once, and thought about if I should take him with me so he isn't alone. He shouldn't be left alone. I didn't trust him with himself enough.

I reluctantly walked over to where Prompto was and nudged him gently. He didn't move. I nudged him gently again, he didn't move. I sighed and then slapped him on the shoulder with a little more force. He still didn't move.

I growled and leaned down over his ear.

"Prompto, get your ass up." I whispered into his ear.

It didn't work in that tone so I just stood up and looked at him for a second. I came up with the perfect plan.

I grabbed the corner of the blanket he was under and slowly pulled it off. That way if he was naked for whatever reason, I wouldn't get blinded. I then rolled him onto his back and then walked away. I got myself a rag and saturated it in the bathroom sink. I came back and plopped the balled up witness on his face with a satisfying sound.

Prompto's legs flung up at the contact and sat up throwing the rag off.

He grabbed his chest like he always did when he got a good scare and looked around confusedly. I laughed maniacally at him and he joined in.

"Wh-what is it, big guy?" He said in between chuckles.

I stopped laughing immediately and looked towards the door.

"Notice how your beds empty?" I questioned.

He looked over and his eyes widened.

"Yeah! What'd you do?" I leaned back and pretended to be offended.

"I wouldn't of woken you if I did it. I don't even know if anything happened. I was going out to look for them but didn't want to...-" I cut myself off as Prompto gave a smug look.

"What?" I questioned.

"We're you worried about little ole me?" He questioned and I scoffed.

"N-no. I was... worried about the hotel. If you were alone it would get completely trashed." He rolled his eyes.

"You were worried about the hotel?" He chuckled again, "whatever you say." I shook my head and stepped back so he didn't have to crawl across the bed.

"Whatever." I started, "We're, yes, me and you, we're, going to go out and find them." He sighed and slowly lugged himself up.

"I- are you gonna put a shirt on before or after we find them?" I simply chuckled.

"Why are you concerned?"

"You're just so- think about the innocent civilians and their poor eyes!" Prompto's joke almost got a laugh but I bit my toungue to stop it.

I shook my head and walked over to grab my jacket.

"Good enough." I said as I sped walked to the door.

"Let find our mans!" Prompto cheered as he followed behind me.

-To be Continued-

Final Fantasy XV- Life on the EdgeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora