Not Good

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-Noct POV-

I drove us to a Imperial base while the guys slept. We had all just gotten a royal arms and Iggy wanted productivity. I was going to deliver.

Once we pulled up I looked around and smiled before reluctantly waking everyone.

"Ok guys..." I said loudly causing Prompto to jump,"we've arrived so you should start getting up."

Prompto yawned and stretched while looking around. He looked around with his face getting progressively more and more confused.

"Where the hell are we?" Gladio questioned putting words into all three of their mouths.

I looked around and all three of them were very confused.

"Is it too dark to tell?" I questioned.

Prompto cocked an eyebrow at me.

"We're outside an imperial base." I said finally. Prompto's face dropped.

"We're where?" Ignis' just waking up voice chimed in.

"We're outside an imperial base." I said again without any emotion in my voice.

"And I presume we are going to be doing more than simply viewing it?" I nearly chuckled at Iggy's question.

"Yes, the Igster is correct as per usual." Iggy made a noise of curiousity while I stifled my cringe at the name.

"I hope that name doesn't stick." I hummed back in agreement.

"It probably won't. Doesn't roll off the tongue like Iggy or specs does." I saw Prompto give a small nod at my statement.

I hopped out of the regalia with all of them following and just started sprinting towards the base.

Before I could full send it to the entrance of the base, I got pulled by the back of my jacket and was sent flying back. I let out a groan and a small yell as I was drug off the road leading where I was going.

"Yeah, Ignis tells us to not rush without plans for reasons." Gladio lowered his voice for obvious reasons.

I was mildly surprised by him using Iggy's full first instead of the shortened one, but I let it slide. We have bigger matters to deal with.

I titled my head slightly and examined all three of their faces. They all looked indifferent.

"Fine..." I paused and looked at their faces some more, "any plans specky?" I questioned causing Iggy to light up a little.

He looked up with his eyes slightly wide and cleared his throat. He gave his trademark thinking face and then snapped his fingers.

"Well..." His voice didn't mimick the confidence his finger snap did, "do you think you can warp strike the soldiers from behind?" I mimicked his thinking face and hummed dramatically causing Gladio to lightly smack my shoulder.

"I guess." I said nonchalantly.

"Well, perhaps it would be best to move along the shadows and warp strike when a guard is singled out. The last thing we need is the whole army on our behinds. They're also more likely to be on alert. We did raid a base not too awfully long ago." I hummed and shot him a thumbs up.

"Ok then, I gotcha specs. Move along the shadows, don't be rush happy, and don't bend Prompto over and get everyone's attention."

"W-what about bending me over?" Prompto questioned quickly with a mortified look.

I looked at Gladio and Iggy and they had the same look.

"Prompto," I stated in a matter of fact tone, " your like a Chocobo." He hummed curiously.

"What do you mean by that?" His eyebrows scrunched up.

"I can ride you all day long." All of their faces dropped at my joke.

I scratched the back of my neck and chuckled as Prompto went red, Iggy looked away from us, and Gladio put his hands through his hair and beard.

"Lets get m-moving guys." Prompto said as he slowly started walking away.

He put his face into the neck of his jacket and avoided all eye contact as we walked towards the entrance. I laughed again and rubbed up and down his back as we snuck along.

"There are two Magitek soldiers right there, Noct." Iggy informed me in a whisper that was barely audible.

I looked around at where Iggy was referring to. There were two Magitek like he said.

I tip toes around so I was at a better angle to warp kill and did that. I took the first one out, then the second. No mishap, no hassel.

"That was easy enough." I said as the other guys caught up to me.

"Great work, Noct." Ignis said as he progressed ahead of me slightly.

He motioned his hands for us to follow him, and we did so without question.

"If we keep in the shadows we should be able to avoid unnecessary conflicts. It is vital we be careful. Are you listening?" Ignis questioned with his whisper becoming a whisper yell.

I hummed and nodded. Ignis looked at Prompto and Gladio. They both have a small head nod. Before Iggy bit his lip and then crept forward again.

"Watch out guys!" Prompto said in a normal voice immediately making us turn towards him.

Ignis put his finger against his lips and shushed Prompto panically.

"We must remain quiet." Ignis whispered to us as he peeked his head over an object we were ducked behind.

"Hows stuff looking Iggy?" Gladio questioned as he had to practically lay down so he wasn't out in the open.

Iggy looked away from where ever he was and back towards Gladio. He looked Gladio up and down before answering.

"In need of a bath." Ignis said jokingly causing all of us to scoff and cover our mouths to avoid laughing.

"No, Iggy, I meant-" Gladio tried to say but Iggy already knew.

"Yes, we all needed something to break some tension. The coast is relatively clear. Though, Noct, there is an isolated soldier you could make our lives easier by taking out." I removed my hand from my mouth and forced my face to go blank.

I walked up beside him and peeked over like he had. I saw the soldier he was talking about and warp killed him.

I went back over to the guys and Iggy lead us further into the base.

"Everyone halt." Ignis said reaching hand back and placing it across my chest.

We all did as he said and waited for his next words. He didn't say anything for a while and I could feel the anxiety come off Prompto. I looked back at him and his face matched the tension.

"What? What?" Prompto whispered with his voice failing.

Ignis didn't answer he just looked over his shoulder and put his finger up to his lips like earlier.

Iggy not responding made me feel anxious too. My heartbeat got hard and heavy as I lifted my head slightly so I could see. My eyes widened slightly and I immediately lowered my stance again.

"Iggy, what the hell is that?"

-To Be Continued-

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