Fluffy... Like a Chocobo Butt Pt. 1

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-Noct POV-

I put my hand on Promto's shoulder as we walked through the base. He tensed up and looked at me.

"Y-yes?" He sounded uptight.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular." His voice got unusually high, and I could easily tell he was lying.

"Are you su-?"

"Yes! Shut up, I'm fine!" Prompto snapped suddenly causing me and the other guys to lean back in surprise.

Prompto's face almost immediately relaxed and his eyes looked apologetic. I stared for a second just for him to not say anything. I mentally sighed and then looked forward and started walking through the base.

"Noct... I'm sorry I didnt-"

"It's ok. I get it. You got shit to say, but you don't want whatever it is to affect me, the guys you love apparently. You're really pulling an Iggy here." Saying that riled me up, and anger I didn't know I had flared up.

Ignis hummed at my mentioning of his name. I looked over my shoulder and pierced him with my gaze.

The rest of the base I was filled with a saltiness. I knew there was no reason for me being so. I just wasn't use to people who weren't Gladio yelling at me, I guess.

"What do I gotta do?" Prompto asked suddenly after we had taken over the whole base.

I groaned, but my previously frustrated face turned into a ponderous one.

"What do you mean by that?" My voice was still cold.

Before Prompto replied, he tightly hugged me from behind.

"What do I gotta do..." He pressed his soft lips against my ear, "to show you how fine I am?" I turned my head to look at him.

He was giving a pleasing look. I gulped and look beyond him to Ignis and Gladio. They both had knowing looks on their faces. I looked back at Prompto's face and he had been doing that thing with his eyes. He gave an innocent look, as if he didn't just say what he did.

I turned while I was in his grasp so I could face him. I didn't say anything. I just planted a kiss on his lips and winked as I shimied out of his grasp and started leading us to the Regalia.

"My heart rate speeds up everytime you get behind the wheel." Specky said as I raced him to the driver's seat.

"And mine slows down when you get behind it." Ignis hummed at my compliment.

As we were driving a posse of an iron giant and some bombs popped up causing all of us to let out mutual groans.

"Daemons..." Iggy said airily as we got out of the Regalia to slay the beasts.

We took care of the bombs with relative ease, it was the giant, like always, that brought issues.

We fought valantly and it was working. Suddenly as we were huddled to start giving the final blows, the giant swiped down hard taking out Iggy and Prompto simultaneously.

"Drats..." I heard Iggy groan as Prompto simply let out a long slew of cries.

My eyes widened and I growled as I activated the armiger to vengeance the two.

"Good work, Noct!" Gladio yelled out as we deliver a link to finish the beast off.

Once the giant was slayed me and Gladio averted our attention to the two boys who were slowly getting back up. I sprinted towards Prompto who was grasping his chest and stomach. I gently placed one of my hands on the back of his head while I rested the other on his shoulder. I smothered his face in kisses causing him to start squirming and giggling.

"N-Noct! I'm, I'm ok, I'm ok!" He squealed as I kept attacking his face, "N-Noct seriously, ahh! S-stop!" I finally stopped at his plea. He looked up at me with a wide smile and red face.

I grabbed one of his hands and helped him up. His face was gleeful from the affection I overloaded him with. He looked down timidly as I started jogging back to where the regalia was.

"No roads, no rules!" Prompto cheered as we reentered the vehicle.

"An no one to hold us back." I tried to match his energy but knew I couldn't.

I heard a can open before I started driving and turned to see Iggy nonchalantly sipping away. I shot him a look and gave a sarcastic what? Type of look.

"How many does that make it for today?" I asked as I mentally eyerolled.

"It is only my third." I glared through the rear view mirror.

"...Dozen." I heard Gladio mumble.

I chuckled as Ignis lightly elbowed Gladio while shaking his head. Prompto also laughed and turned in his seat. He drew a heart in the air at those two. Ignis held up a hand and waved him off. I just kept smiling as I drove along.

We made it to our destination eventually, though we had to stop seven or so times.

"Camping... Again." I said dissatisfied with the accommodation.

"What? You got a problem with camping?" Gladio chimed in before we did our usual camping procedures; setting up the tent and such.

Ignis settled on green curry soup which Prompto was very pleased with as it was one of his favorite foods.

We all sat around enjoying our meal and the rare time we got to just relax. We had been out working for a couple days, this was nice.

We all had reached a point where we were just suddenly quiet. Prompto and Iggy both looked in their own worlds while Gladio was still just Gladio. Me and Gladio made on eye contact.

I looked from his eyes to back and fourth from prompt and Iggy, and then back at Gladio. I rose my hand infront of me and gestured it as to ask, what's happening? He just shrugged and then stood and put his bowl away.

I had reasons for Ignis's mental isolation, but with Prompto I was completely lost. He was very adamant it wasn't anything, but it didn't take a genius to know that wasn't true.

I finished up my curry soup and put the bowl away. I then walked over to Prompto and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes nearly freezing me in place. I shook of the momentary hypnosis and gestured for him to follow me to the tent. He looked at Iggy who was sitting there completely gone. He then looked at Gladio who gestured for me and him to do our thing.

Once he got the twos reaction he slowly stood up. He walked over and put his bowl that was emptied a while ago. Then he cautiously walked a couple steps with me to the tent.

-To Be Continued-

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